Overflowing inbox

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Overflowing inbox
Monster ID 1038
Locations CRIMBCO Cubicles
Hit Points 10
Attack 10
Defense 10
Initiative 100
Meat None
Phylum Indeterminate
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts Indeterminate
10 CRIMBCO scrip
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
overflowing inbox You're fighting your overflowing inbox

Your inbox is absolutely stuffed with sheets of paper. The bits of paper all have writing on them, and when you start to read them, your eyes start to glaze over.

Somehow the gears of CRIMBCO will grind to a halt unless you move all of this paper from one side of your desk to the other.

Don't worry; they'll keep piling paper in there, so it's not like you'll ever be finished or anything.

Hit Message(s):

You make the mistake of trying to read one of the papers, and fall asleep and bonk your head on your desk. Ow!

You get a binder clip stuck on your <solar plexus>. Woah, how did you do that? Ooh!

You get a nasty papercut. Happy Crimbo! Oof!

You accidentally staple your <arse>. Yeah, we've got that. Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

You try and speed up your paper-shuffling, and end up giving yourself a bunch of extra papercuts. Argh!

Miss Message(s):

You almost start reading the papers you're shuffling, but think better of it.

You stop to rummage around in your desk for a paperclip. It's thrilling.

You almost get a papercut, but manage to avoid it. Um, go you.

You staple a few of the sheets of paper together. Go you!

Fumble Message:

You actually manage to empty the inbox, and have to wait a few minutes for it to refill. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Boredeyes.gif Boredom +1%

An elf on roller skates whizzes by and tosses you a ten-scrip note. "Keep up the good wooooo --" he says, as he barrels out of sight.

Scrip.gifYou acquire 10 CRIMBCO scrip

Occurs at CRIMBCO Cubicles.


  • This monster cannot be copied.