Orcish baseball cap

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Orcish baseball cap
Orcish baseball cap

This is a baseball cap formerly worn by an Orcish Frat Boy. Even having this in your inventory makes you feel like a jerk.

Type: hat
Power: 60
Moxie Required: 15
Outfit: Frat Boy Ensemble
  (3 items)

Selling Price: 80 Meat.

Muscle +3
Mysticality -3

(In-game plural: Orcish baseball caps)
View metadata
Item number: 239
Description ID: 507012744
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Orcish Frat House
Orcish Frat Boy (Music Lover)
Purple Hazers
Sing This Explosion to Me
Oh Yeah! (with Comprehensive Cartography)
Orcish Frat House (Verge of War)
Busting a Cap
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Road to the White Citadel
eXtreme Sports Orcs

See Also


Slash.gif Orcish frat-paddle | Orcish baseball cap | Orcish cargo shorts


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