One-day ticket to Conspiracy Island
From TheKolWiki
If weird spooky government conspiracies seem like a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there, or even visit there for more than a day, then this ticket is what you need. (In-game plural: one-day tickets to Conspiracy Island) |
Obtained From
When Used
- Without access to Conspiracy Island:
You follow the directions on the ticket to Elemental International Airport (it's near the Right Side of the Tracks in Seaside Town) and turn in the ticket for one-day-only all-you-can-fly access to Conspiracy Island. Doom and gloom, here you coom!
- Otherwise:
You already have access to Conspiracy Island. There's no sense in wasting the ticket.
- Grants access to Conspiracy Island until next rollover.
"7768" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.