On a Deserted Desert Island, with No Dessert
You board the ship to Tropical Paradise Island, but as soon as it leaves port, a freak storm blows it off course and then sinks it. You wake up a few days later, on the shore of a deserted island. Which is also a desert island. What's conspicuously missing, however, is any dessert.
After spending a few days on the island, with no dessert, it really starts to wear on you, because you were only allowed to bring 3 CDs with you, and though you spent a LONG time choosing them, you're really getting sick of them.
Luckily, a raft soon washes ashore, and atop the raft sits a beautiful supermodel.
"Hello there," she says in a sultry voice. "Looks like you and I will be spending quite a bit of time together..."
Your heart races.
This is the moment you've been waiting for.
You cast a spell on her which puts her to sleep, steal her raft, and paddle back to the mainland. What did you think this was? Some kind of a joke?
![]() | You lose 3 Adventures. |
![]() | You spent 500 Meat. |
You gain X Magicalness. |
![]() | You acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip |
Occurs at Tropical Paradise Island Getaway.
- Stats gained from this adventure are based on your level.
- The line, "you were only allowed to bring 3 CDs with you, and though you spent a LONG time choosing them, you're really getting sick of them." references a fairly common game where one is asked something along the lines of "If you could only bring one (two, three, whatever) CD(s) with you on a desert island, what would it be?" This usually takes a while to figure out, depending on the person being asked. There is a similar scenario with choosing one person of the opposite gender to be trapped on an island with.
- The long-running BBC Radio 4 series Desert Island Discs is based on the same premise as the CD game.
- The first paragraph could be a reference to several different things, most notably the beginning of Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.