This is a big, plump, juicy green olive. Few things are as similar to a big, plump, juicy green olive as this is.
(Cooking ingredient) (Cocktailcrafting ingredient) Type: food (crappy) Size: 1 Selling Price: 35 Meat. (In-game plural: olives) | |
Obtained From
- Toot Oriole Quest
- The Dark Neck of the Woods
- Olive My Love To You, Oh. (2)
- Inside the Palindome
- Drab Bard
- Evil Olive
- Stores
- The Hippy Store (70 Meat)
- The Organic Produce Stand (after clearing the infestation) (70 Meat)
- Stores
- Chez Snootée (sometimes) (105 Meat)
- Items
- fruit bowl (0-5)
- fruit basket (0-5)
When Consumed
You eat the delicious olive.
(You gain 1 Fullness.)
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