Oil pan

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oil pan
oil pan

This is an oily cooking pan. I mean, usually cooking pans have some oil in 'em, whether it's olive or canola or whatever, but this one's got your basic 10-30 weight in it.

It'll be a powerful ally in your battle against evil, until you whack it on a curb or a parking estanchion and lose it forever, dammit.

Type: weapon (1-handed saucepan)
Damage: 13 - 26
Mysticality Required: 47
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

Mysticality +10%

(In-game plural: oil pans)
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Item number: 6042
Description ID: 522478334
View in-game: view
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Asterisk.gif 11 bubblin' crudes
Equals.gif oil pan



  • Prior to a trivial update on June 11, 2013, there was a bug in which you needed another saucepan in your inventory to cast a buff, even if the oil pan would have cast it for longer.
  • Prior to a trivial update on November 19, 2012, this had to be equipped to be used for buffing.
  • This pan used to cast sauce buffs equivalent to a regular saucepan (5 Adventures per cast).

See Also


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