Oil of oiliness

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oil of oiliness
oil of oiliness

This is a little flask of incredibly slippery, incredibly foul-smelling oil. They say the oily boyd gets the woym, but if he was oiled up with this stuff, the woym would smell him coming from a mile away.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 85 Meat.

(In-game plural: flasks of oil of oiliness)
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Item number: 3230
Description ID: 133463686
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Lovepotion.gif decaying goldfish liver scrumptious reagent
Equals.gif oil of oiliness

When Used

You open the cap on the oil, but the smell makes you put the cap right back on it.


  • Having three in your inventory will allow you to pass the iron bars encountered when exploring a Sewer Tunnel.


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