Ode to the Sea

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Ode to the Sea
Ode to the Sea

Grandpa finally drains the last drops out of his drink, and motions to you. You follow him through the door at the back of the bar and down a winding hallway, deeper and deeper into the ground under the bar, until you come out in a huge underground cavern. It's lit with the same unearthly glow you saw from the seaode back in the bar.

Grandpa starts tapping the ground with his cane, rapping on every boulder until he hears a sound that seems to satisfy him. He starts to lift up the boulder, sweating and straining and cursing. You hear him use some really strong old-people curse words, even a "razzin-frackin'" and a "gol-darnit" back-to-back.

You pitch in and help him get the rock loose. He does a three-count, and together you heave the rock at the cave wall. It splits in half, and you see it's got the same crystals as the rock he gave the bartender.

"So these things are called seaodes, eh? What are those crystals made out of?" you say.

Let Grandpa Learn You Something

Grandpa gives you a condescending look. "What do they teach you whippersnappers in school these days? Seaode crystals are super-compressed sea salt. I guarantee it'll be the saltiest thing you've ever tasted, even if you once ate a whole bowl of salt."

Your mind starts to fill with the interesting cocktail possibilities of a super-salty drink rim. "What causes these things to form?"

"You fancy kids with your science and your empirical evidence would say that they're made when the intense heat of thermal vent and the intense pressure of the deep ocean cause crystal structures to fold in on themselves, becoming super-dense but maintaining their original properties, just moreso in the allotted space. But back in my day, we knew the truth: they're what comes out the back end of Leviatuga, the ancient sea turtle."

"Sure, sure." You silently vow not to tell anyone that their drink is rimmed with sea-turtle poop, even if it's really pretty, intensely salty sea-turtle poop.

"Here, kid, you can take this one with you. Since you bothered to listen to an old Sea Monkee's stories, you're welcome to come harvest seaodes whenever you'd like. I'd better get home now, while our castle's still standing. I'll bet they're not even keeping the damn kids off of my lawn while I'm gone."

Ccannonball.gifYou acquire an item: seaode
You acquire a skill: Salacious Cocktailcrafting

Occurs at The Dive Bar.


  • "Seaodes" are a reference to geodes.
  • The line about eating an entire bowl of salt is a reference to the Futurama episode "My Three Suns", in which Fry makes a similar remark after eating the overly salty dinner Bender prepared for the Planet Express crew.
  • The line that says you learn Salacious Cocktailcrafting will be there even if you already know the skill.