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Autosell/block rates, and pretty much everything else

Positronic Brain
It's sure to "improve" your game
No, Seriously.

Is optimal

Ability: Reduces stat gains, takes away MP, removes buffs, forces you to attack with your weapon instead of using items and skills, randomly autosells dropped items, and prints a variety of useless messages.

Throne/Bjorn: All Attributes -10, sometimes increases Monster Level.

Hatchling: Oafbox.gif Deactivated O. A. F.

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Upgrade.gif hardware upgrade

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+15% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +3 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 18-20HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Deals damage & 10% Delevel* Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • At the beginning of combat:
    <name> says: "This is not an optimum location for an adventurer of your abilities. I recommend that you relocate to <random location>."
    <name> says "The effect <random buff> is not optimal at this time. Removing."
    <name> says: "$bn read MACNAM, $pnp read MACNAM. Password: maximum output resource yield. Illegal entry: try again."
    You hear a sizzling noise, and a puff of blue smoke wafts out of <name>'s rear vent.
  • Regular messages:
    <name> says "Use of that skill has been calculated to be sub-optimal. I recommend that you attack with your weapon, instead."
    (Combat proceeds as if you had attacked with your equipped weapon.)
    <name> says "Use of that item has been calculated to be sub-optimal. I recommend that you attack with your weapon, instead."
    (Combat proceeds as if you had attacked with your equipped weapon.)
    <name> says: "Chosen course of action found to be non-opticlick opticlick opticlick ...Standing by."
    A clanking and grinding of gears emerges from somewhere in <name>'s robotic innards.
  • At the end of combat:
    <name> says "You are advancing at an unbalanced and suboptimal rate. Please allow me to adjust your advancement rate to compensate."
    (Reduces stat gain.)
    <name> starts humming the chorus to "Daisy Bell".
    (Reduces stat gain.)
    <name> says: "WARNING: Stack overflow. Functions reset."
    (Reduces stat gain.)
    <name> says: "Three, four, five, six, boxcars. Gate closed."
    (Reduces stat gain.)
    <name> says "Your present level of Muscularity/Mana/Mojo Points is suboptimal for the current situation. Adjusting."
    MPYou lose 5-10 Mana Points.
    <name> grabs an item off of the ground, and says "I have determined that the Meat you could get for this <item you would have received from the encounter> is more useful under the current circumstances than the item itself."
    He runs off, and comes back a few minutes later to hand you some Meat.
    Meat.gifYou gain <the item's autosell value> Meat.
    <name> says: "Your current Hit Point / Muscularity Point levels are sub-optimal. It is recommended that you rest at your campsite."
    <name> says: "SYSTAT: Direct Readout Uptime: 9:01:44."
    <name> says: "Amulfax shuffletime: less than one percent of freight drain. Log file."
  • When adventuring with increased monster level:
    <name> says "This opponent's power is inappropriate compared to yours. Adjusting."
    Your opponent seems to shrink.
    (Monster level is decreased by X.)
  • Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
    <name> gives your opponent a relaxing massage.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power increased by -10
    Monster DefenseMonster defense increased by 10
  • Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
    <name> begins to emit a piercingly high-pitched whine, drectly[sic] behind your head. Your opponent seems encouraged by your sudden wince.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power increased by -10
    Monster DefenseMonster defense increased by 10
  • With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
    <name> stares with blank, unfeeling, robotic eyes from beneath the Tam o'Shanter.
  • With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
    <name> glances at the maypole and rocks back and forth, but can't really dance.
  • With wax lips equipped:
    <name> doesn't look friendly, even with the wax lips stuck to his exoskeleton.

Arena Messages

  • <name> considers that activity sub-optimal. Or maybe he just really sucks at it, and doesn't want you to know.



  • O.A.F. stands for Optimal Ascension Familiar, an acronym that was invented by Mr. Skullhead.
  • The letters O, A, and F also spell out the word oaf, a pejorative noun meaning one who is clumsy or a simpleton.
  • The HAL 9000 supercomputer from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey sang "Daisy Bell" as it was shut down.
  • A positronic brain is a common science fiction device that causes consciousness in robots. It was conceived by Isaac Asimov and notably used in the Star Trek franchise, as well as the Perry Rhodan series.
  • The messages "SYSTAT: Direct Readout Uptime: 9:01:44.", "Three, four, five, six, boxcars. Gate closed.", "$bn read MACNAM, $pnp read MACNAM. Password: maximum output resource yield. Illegal entry: try again.", and "Amulfax shuffletime: less than one percent of freight drain. Log file." are all quoted from the Firesign Theatre album I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus, and they are all lines spoken by Dr. Memory, the massive central administrative computer of a futuristic themepark.