Nutty organic salad

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nutty organic salad
nutty organic salad

This is a salad made of free-range wildflower greens and natural, cruelty-free walnuts. The salad wasn't tossed -- no, no, tossing is violent, and might hurt a salad's feelings. The ingredients of this salad were simply encouraged to explore themselves, and grow as ingredients at their own pace, and the resulting high self-esteem caused them to want to interact with others.

Type: food (awesome)
Size: 3
Level required: 11
Selling Price: 130 Meat.

(In-game plural: bowls of nutty organic salad)
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Item number: 2026
Description ID: 442480449
View in-game: view
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Ezcook.gif handful of walnuts mixed wildflower greens
Equals.gif nutty organic salad

When Consumed

You chew on the salad and contemplate the nature of the cosmos, and its marked dearth of salad dressing.
AdventuresYou gain 12-15 Adventures.
You gain 30-40 Enchantedness.
(You gain 3 Fullness.)



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