Now You're Cooking With Grease

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Now You're Cooking With Grease
Now You're Cooking With Grease

You'd think that this book was a joke -- like nobody in their right mind would publish a book of recipes this bad for you. But it's not a joke, it's just a cookbook from like 30 years ago, when jokes were reality and reality was probably still kind of a racist.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: copies of Now You're Cooking With Grease)
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Item number: 7459
Description ID: 986944827
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Obtained From

Buff Jimmy's Souvenir Shop (300 Beach Bucks)

When Used

You browse the recipes in the book. It's like the person who wrote this was trying to cause heart disease.
You acquire a skill: Groosegrease.gif Grease Up


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