Neverending Party invitation envelope

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Neverending Party invitation envelope
Neverending Party invitation envelope

This envelope contains a photocopied invite to an eternal house party on the Wrong Side of the Tracks. I'm surprised you weren't aware of it before this. It's right across from the library.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded
Free pull from Hagnk's

(In-game plural: Neverending Party invitation envelopes)
View metadata
Item number: 9942
Description ID: 412296986
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)

When Used

  • If you haven't already used an invitation:
You head over to the Wrong Side of the Tracks, find the party (it's not hard, you just follow the noise and trails of broken beer bottles) and check in with the bouncer.

He writes your name down on his clipboard and gestures for you to head inside.

  • Otherwise:
You're already on the guest list for the Neverending Party.


  • September 2018's item of the month from Mr. Store.
Its in-store description: Unlocks a party zone on the Wrong Side of the Tracks, full of new quests and items and drinks and snacks.


"9942" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Preceded by:
Bastille Battalion control rig crate
Neverending Party invitation envelope
Sep 2018
Succeeded by:
latte lovers club card