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How much damage does it do in combat? Attack rate?

Swarm of nanobots
Shaped like a rhinoceros
Brings buffs and grey goo

Gives helpful buffs that can be used to attack, too.

Ability: delevels at the beginning of combat, attacks, gives buffs when fully charged, allows access to a variety of high-end special powers

Throne/Bjorn: All attributes +10%, gives 5-15 meat for the first three rounds

Hatchling: Nanobox.gif deactivated nanobots

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Littlecard.gif nanorhino credit card

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+15% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +4 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 18-20HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • At the start of combat
Your opponent gets a glassy, slack-jawed look on his face as <Name>'s nanobots fly in his ear and mess up the connections in his brain.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
<Name> stabs your opponent with his horn and injects millions of nanobots into their system. Your foe starts to look ill as several important organs are liquified.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
<Name>'s nanobots quickly re-wire your opponent's brain to make him left-handed. Better attack quick before he figures out what happened and switches hands.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
Remember how your mother always warned you to wear clean underwear, in case you were attacked by clothes-destroying nanobots? Well, your opponent's mother didn't, and now they're suffering from acute embarrassment.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
<Name> fills your opponent's respiratory system with nanobots, giving it a very bad cold.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
<Name>'s nanobots turn some of your opponent's muscles into limp noodles. Literally. I bet it feels terrible.
Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by X
Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by X
  • During combat
  • Regular messages
<Name>'s nanobots surgically remove X points worth of your opponent's flesh.
<Name> charges your opponent and gores he with his horn, causing X points damage. Not particularly spectacular, but no less effective.
<Name> reforms into the shape of a large anvil, which does X damage when it falls on your opponent's head.
<Name>'s nanobots deconstruct the molecules in your opponent's <ankle>, turning a large portion of it into atomic dust, and causing X damage.
<Name> charges your opponent and gores it with his horn, causing X points damage. Not particularly spectacular, but no less effective.
<Name>'s nanobots seed a passing cloud, causing it to unleash a powerful, but extremely local, hailstorm. Your opponent takes X points of cold damage.
<Name>'s nanobots precipitate moisture out of the air, forming it into a large icicle that does X points of cold damage when it lands of your opponent.
<Name>'s nanobots immobilize the moisture in the air around your opponent, freezing it in a block of ice. Your foe takes X cold damage while breaking free.
<Name> charges and impales your opponent with his horn, injecting nanobots into its bloodstream. The nanobots interrupt the transfer of heat energy through your foe's body, causing X points of cold damage.
<Name> nanobots trap and immobilize the air molecules around your opponent, causing the local temperature to fall drastically and causing X cold damage.
<Name> charges your opponent and injects nanobots into his bloodstream. They proceed to cause your foe's blood to boil (literally), causing X points of hot damage.
<Name>'s nanobots focus the ambient lighting into a tight beam of photons that fries your opponent for X points of hot damage.
<Name>'s nanobots swarm rapidly around your opponent. The increased friction causes his clothes (or fur, or whatever) to catch on fire, causing X points of hot damage.
<Name>'s nanobots turn the ground underneath your opponent into molten lava, causing X hot damage and no small amount of resentment.
<Name>'s nanobots grab the air molecules around your opponent and move them around very quickly, essentially turning the air into fire. Your foe takes X points of hot damage.
<Name> transforms into a used-car salesman, and convinces your opponent to poke him%self% in the eyes. He takes X points of sleaze damage
I can't tell you what <Name> just transformed into, because this is a family game. Suffice it to say that your opponent takes X points of sleaze damage.
<Name> alters the molecular structure of the ground beneath your opponent, turning it into a pit of oozing tar. Your foe takes X sleaze damage.
<Name> infects your opponent's skin with nanobots, causing his sebaceous glands to produce oil at an alarming rate. This translates, somehow, to X points of sleaze damage.
<Name> takes the shape of an extremely attractive member of your opponent's species. ...Aaand we'll just skip to the part where he takes X points of sleaze damage.
<Name> takes the shape of your opponent's own skeleton. Being reminded that he has a skeleton walking around inside him causes X points worth of spooky damage.
<Name> reforms into a large hovering skull and crossbones, and buzzes "SKATE OR DIE!" Your opponent takes X points of spooky damage from the unnerving and confusing sight.
<Name> takes the shape of a writhing, terrifying ghost, filling your opponent with unpleasant thoughts about its own mortality. it takes X points of spooky damage.
Some of <Name>'s nanobots fly into your opponent's head, causing X points worth of terrifying hallucinations.
<Name> takes the shape of your opponent's deepest fear. This turns out to be a hat. Huh. Well, anyway, it takes X points of spooky damage.
<Name>'s nanobots convert the lining of your opponent's nasal passages into sulfur. he takes X points of stench damage.
<Name>'s nanobots invade your opponent's pores, causing it to sweat like a shrinkwrapped sumo wrestler. Your foe takes X points of stench damage.
<Name>'s nanobots do something unpleasant to your opponent's digestive tract. Long story short, your foe takes X points of stench damage.
<Name>'s nanites fly into your opponent's head, and alter the structure of its brain so that everything smells like hot garbage. Your foe takes X points of stench damage.
<Name> turns your opponent's sinuses into rotten eggs. I can't even come up with a pseudoscientific explanation of how that's possible, but your foe takes X points of stench damage anyway.
  • After using a muscle combat skill when 100% charged
<Name> observes how you rely on your strength in combat, and injects you with nanobots to make you ever stronglier. Strengthular? Strongtastical.
<Name> works his magic to make you even stronger than you were before. And by 'magic' I mean 'science'. And by 'science', I mean 'filling your body up with tiny robots'.
Nanobrawny.gifYou acquire an effect: Nanobrawny
(duration: 50 Adventures)
  • After using a mysticality combat skill when 100% charged
<Name> notices your magical abilities, and jabs his horn into the base of your skull, filling your brain with magic-enhancing nanobots. The nanobots also fix that hole at the base of your skull.
<Name> notices your reliance on mystical powers, and injects you with millions of midichlorians mystical power enhancing nanobots.
<Name> sees you casting spells, and decides to help out by jabbing you with his horn and injecting you with nanobots. The nanobots make it much easier to remember your incantations, as well as the names of everyone you've ever met, their telephone numbers, and the most embarrassing thing you said to them. Also, the lyrics to every commercial jingle you've ever heard on the radio.
Nanobrainy.gifYou acquire an effect: Nanobrainy
(duration: 50 Adventures)
  • After using a moxie combat skill when 100% charged
<Name> stabs you with his horn, filling you with nanobots. After fixing the hole, the nanobots start messing with your cellular structure, making you faster and sneakier.
<Name> notices you sneaking around, and stabs you with his horn to inject you with sneakery-enhancing nanobots. It hurts, but hey -- free nanobots.
<Name> watches you sneaking around for a moment, then jabs his horn into your side. Nanobots flood into your bloodstream making you feel even sneakier!
Nanoballsy.gifYou acquire an effect: Nanoballsy
(duration: 50 Adventures)
  • At the end of combat (when not fully charged)
<Name>'s nanobots locate a stray dog, and quickly turn it into a gray atomic soup, which they use to construct more nanobots. He is now X% charged, and you are X% grossed out.
<Name>'s nanobots disassemble some of the local scenery to build more nanobots, bringing him up to X% charge. You should probably be careful not to fight anything near your commemorative plate collection.
<Name>'s nanobots disintegrate a nearby patch of dirt for materials to build more nanobots. Hey, wait a minute! The hole is filled with pirate treasure! Oh, it's gone. Oh well. At least <Name> is up to X% charge now.
<Name>'s nanobots break down some nearby rocks and dirt into their component atoms, and use them to build more nanobots. He is now X% charged, but watch out for the new hole in the ground.
<Name>'s nanobots disintegrate some of the local scenery to make more nanobots, bringing him up to X% charge. You know, if these nanobots went out of control for some reason, that could be a real problem. Eh, whatever.
<Name> disintegrates an approaching Jehovah's Witness, turning his matter into more nanobots, and increasing <Name>'s charge to X%. You start to give him a approving pat on the head, but think twice about actually touching him.
"Hey buddy, did you order a-- aaaagh!" You turn around to see a cloud of freshly-built nanobots hovering near an abandoned pizza and pizza-delivery uniform. <Name>, now up to X% charge, puts away his cellphone.
<Name>'s nanobots disassemble a nearby tree and build more nanobots out of the atoms, bringing him up to X% charge. Of course, since the nanobots are too small to see, it basically just looks like a tree disappeared and <Name> got a little bigger, but you can make some basic assumptions about what's going on.
<Name> takes the form of a bouncing arrow and points out some Meat someone must have dropped. You pick it up and stuff it in your pocket.
Meat.gifYou gain 5-15 Meat.
<name> takes the form of a swarm of bees that spell out "SKATE OR DIE!" Your opponent freaks out a little and drops some meat.
Meat.gifYou gain 5-15 Meat.
<Name> forms an eyeball and eyelid from stray molecules in the air, and winks under the Tam O'Shanter.
<Name> does a billion microscopic versions of the Robot around the Maypole.
<Name> pulls base elements from the air to make a toothy grin under the Wax Lips.

Arena Messages

  • None - familiar has no weaknesses.


  • The Nanorhino delevels like a Barrrnacle of the same weight.
  • The Nanorhino starts out fully charged every day (as well as after ascending).
  • When the Nanorhino is fully charged, it has an animated icon exclusively in the character pane: Nanorhinoc.gif
  • When the Nanorhino is fully charged, it can be triggered to give 50 turns of a buff: Nanobrawny, Nanobrainy or Nanoballsy.
  • With at least one of the Nanorhino buffs active, you can use the skill Unleash Nanites to perform a special attack. There are two special attacks for each buff: one major (with 40 or more turns of the buff left), and one minor (with 39 or fewer turns). Unleashing Nanites removes the buff in all cases.
    • With Nanobrawny:
      • Major attack: Banishes the monster until rollover, consuming the current turn. You can only have one monster banished this way.
      • Minor attack: Does damage equal to (Buff turns * 10) and restores HP (roughly half of damage dealt).
    • With Nanobrainy:
      • Major attack: Turns your opponent into one of three Gray Goo monsters, dependent on current monster attack. Monster may be delevelled via any normal method, or "uplevelled" via the Dungeons of Doom potion which grants Strange Mental Acuity or Strength of Ten Ettins to modify their attack value. This allows a player to tune any monster to the desired Gray Goo type (within reason). These monsters appear to have higher stat gains than their stats normally allow. Gray Goo monsters & their reward stats do not appear to be affected by ML.
        • little blob of gray goo (36/40/45): Stats ~66. Occurs when current monster attack value is <30.
        • largish blob of gray goo (98/105/110): Stats ~155. Occurs when current monster attack value is 30-89.
        • enormous blob of gray goo (230/240/250): Stats ~272. Occurs when current monster attack value is >89. (Spading: Are stat gains from the Grey Goo monsters affected by volley/sombrero?)
      • Minor attack: Does damage equal to (Buff turns * 10) and restores MP (roughly half of damage dealt).
    • With Nanoballsy:
      • Major attack: "Yellow ray". Disintegrates the enemy, and causes all its (non-conditional) items to drop. Conditional items may drop as they normally would. You receive 150 adventures of Everything Looks Yellow.
      • Minor attack: Delevels enemy and restores HP and MP.
  • The Nanorhino recharges 2% after each combat, or 3% when equipped with the nanorhino credit card.
  • The "opponent's deepest fear" message has multiple possibilities as to what it can be; hat, fork and birdbath have all been seen.


  • The animated character pane icon for the charged Nanorhino was added November 3, 2012.


  • The name, "Nanorhino", is a play on National Novel Writing Month, most commonly shortened to "NaNoWriMo". NaNoWriMo is traditionally November, the month in which this familiar was released.
  • Many of the nanorhino's characteristics reference grey goo, hypothetical self-replicating nanobots that consume matter to create more nanobots.
  • The nanorhino credit card is a reference to the old joke about how to stop a rhino from charging.
  • The actions and behaviors of the nanorhino are very similar to the nanites from the book 'Prey' by Michael Crichton.