NS13 Change Log
From TheKolWiki
The purpose of this page is to list all new content introduced with NS13.
- 1 Level 11 areas
- 1.1 The Black Forest
- 1.2 The Black Market
- 1.3 The Hidden Temple
- 1.4 The Hidden City
- 1.5 Spookyraven Manor
- 1.6 Spookyraven Manor Wine Cellar
- 1.7 Laboratory
- 1.8 Whitey's Grove
- 1.9 The Palindome
- 1.10 The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
- 1.11 An Oasis
- 1.12 A Small Pyramid
- 1.13 The Upper Chamber
- 1.14 The Middle Chamber
- 1.15 The Lower Chambers
- 2 Level 12 areas
- 2.1 The Hippy Camp
- 2.2 Hippy Camp Shop
- 2.3 Orcish Frat House
- 2.4 The Battlefield
- 2.5 The Junkyard
- 2.6 The Lighthouse
- 2.7 Mysterious Island Arena
- 2.8 The Organic Orchard
- 2.9 McMillicancuddy's Farm
- 2.10 Our Lady of Perpetual Indecision
- 2.11 The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
- 2.12 The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
- 3 Other areas
- 3.1 The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky
- 3.2 The Deep Fat Friars' Gate
- 3.3 The Gnomish Gnomad Camp
- 3.4 The Hippy Camp
- 3.5 8-Bit Realm
- 3.6 The Misspelled Cemetary
- 3.7 The Obligatory Pirate's Cove
- 3.8 Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
- 3.9 The Spooky Forest
- 3.10 The Valley Beyond The Orc Chasm
- 3.11 Hermit
- 3.12 Market
- 3.13 Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack
- 4 New Raffle Prizes
- 5 Misc
- 6 Legendary Epic Weapons
- 7 New Quests
- 8 New Recipes
- 9 Changes in Existing Items
- 10 Changes in Existing Quests
- 11 Changes in existing skills
- 12 Fernswarthy's Basement
Level 11 areas
The Black Forest
- adder bladder
- blackberry
- blackberry slippers
- blackberry moccasins
- blackberry combat boots
- blackfly Chardonnay
- black greaves
- black helmet
- black shield
- black sword
- black snake skin
- black No. 2
- black forest ham
- black forest cake
- black pepper
- black pudding
- black & tan
- black pension check
- black picnic basket
Quest items
New Familiars
The Black Market
Sells the following items:
- black cherry soda 80 Meat
- Black Body™ spray 300 Meat
- black facepaint 300 Meat
- black sheepskin diploma 300 Meat
- can of black paint 1,000 Meat
- forged identification documents 5,000 Meat
- exotic parrot egg 500,000 Meat
The Hidden Temple
The Hidden City
- ancient protector spirit
- boaraffe
- pygmy assault squad
- pygmy blowgunner
- pygmy headhunter
- Protector Spectre
- bottle of alcohol
- long pork
- obsidian dagger
- pointed stick
- pygmy blowgun
- pygmy spear
- pygmy pygment
- pygmy nose-bone
- spectre scepter
Quest Items
Spookyraven Manor
Spookyraven Manor Wine Cellar
- dusty bottle of Marsala
- dusty bottle of Merlot
- dusty bottle of Muscat
- dusty bottle of Pinot Noir
- dusty bottle of Port
- dusty bottle of Zinfandel
- Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet
Quest items
Quest Items
Whitey's Grove
Quest Items
The Palindome
Quest Items
The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
Opens after reading your father's diary.
- Without ultrahydrated, this area gives noncombats which give negative effects, like:
- There's a gnome choice adventure: choosing to haggle opens the oasis. Choosing to buy the carburetor gives broken carburetor.
- ant agonist
- ant hoe
- ant pick
- ant pitchfork
- ant rake
- ant sickle
- bit-o-cactus
- bronzed locust
- cactus fruit
- centipede eggs
- giant cactus quill
- handful of sand
- honey-dipped locust
- scorpion whip
An Oasis
- One gives you Ultrahydrated, which allows proper adventuring in the desert.
- displaced fish
- hot date
- palm frond
- rocky raccoon
- Supernova Champagne
- carbonated water lily
- handful of moss
- brown sugar cane
- mother's little helper
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- drum machine
- mojo filter
- Tuesday's ruby
- savoy truffle
- happiness
- Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket
- Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket
- Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket
- General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket
Quest Items
A Small Pyramid
The Upper Chamber
Quest Items
The Middle Chamber
- ancient Magi-Wipes
- ancient protein powder
- ancient vinyl coin purse
- canopic jar
- Iiti Kitty phone charm
- leathery bat skin
- leathery cat skin
- mummy wrapping
- tomb ratchet
- unidentified jerky
The Lower Chambers
Level 12 areas
The Hippy Camp
(In Frat Warrior Fatigues or Frat Boy Ensemble)
- reinforced beaded headband
- bullet-proof corduroys
- round purple sunglasses
- water pipe bomb
- ferret bait
Hippy Camp Shop
Orcish Frat House
(In War Hippy Fatigues)
Orcish Frat House Shop
(for want of a better name)
The Battlefield
In Disguise (War Hippy Fatigues)
- Beer Bongadier
- Brutus, the toga-clad lout
- Danglin' Chad
- Elite Beer Bongadier
- Heavy Kegtank
- Monty Basingstoke-Pratt, IV
- Naughty Sorority Nurse
- Next-generation Frat Boy
- Panty Raider Frat Boy
- Sorority Nurse
- Sorority Operator
- War Frat 110th Infantryman
- War Frat 151st Captain
- War Frat 151st Infantryman
- War Frat 500th Infantrygentleman
- War Frat Elite 110th Captain
- War Frat Elite 500th Captain
- War Frat Elite Wartender
- War Frat Grill Sergeant
- War Frat Kegrider
- War Frat Mobile Grill Unit
- War Frat Senior Grill Sergeant
- War Frat Streaker
- War Frat Wartender
- asbestos apron
- beer bomb
- beer bong
- beer helmet
- bejeweled pledge pin
- blue class ring
- bottle opener belt buckle
- chloroform rag
- depantsing bomb
- distressed denim pants
- energy drink IV
- Frat Army FGF
- furniture dolly
- gauze garter
- giant foam finger
- keg shield
- molotov cocktail cocktail
- Monstar energy beverage
- natty blue ascot
- PADL Phone
- panty raider camouflage
- perforated battle paddle
- red class ring
- sake bomb
- sausage bomb
- shiny hood ornament
- tequila grenade
- war tongs
- white class ring
In Disguise (Frat Warrior Fatigues)
- Bailey's Beetle
- Glass of Orange Juice
- Green Ops Soldier
- Mobile Armored Sweat Lodge
- Neil
- Slow Talkin' Elliot
- War Hippy Airborne Commander
- War Hippy Baker
- War Hippy Dread Squad
- War Hippy Elder Shaman
- War Hippy Elite Fire Spinner
- War Hippy Elite Rigger
- War Hippy Fire Spinner
- War Hippy F.R.O.G.
- War Hippy Green Gourmet
- War Hippy Homeopath
- War Hippy Infantryman
- War Hippy Naturopathic Homeopath
- War Hippy Rigger
- War Hippy Shaman
- War Hippy Sky Captain
- War Hippy Windtalker
- Zim Merman
- battered hubcap
- beer bomb
- bullet-proof corduroys
- carbonated soy milk
- communications windchimes
- didgeridooka
- exploding hacky-sack - only after completing Lighthouse quest in War Hippy Fatigues?
- ferret bait
- filthy poultice
- fire poi
- flowing hippy skirt
- funky dried mushroom
- Gaia beads
- gas balloon
- green clay bead
- green smoke bomb
- henna face paint
- hippy medical kit
- hippy protest button
- oversized pipe
- Lockenstock™ sandals
- natural fennel soda
- orange peel hat
- PADL Phone
- patchouli oil bomb - only after completing Lighthouse quest in War Hippy Fatigues?
- perforated battle paddle
- pink clay bead
- purple clay bead
- reinforced beaded headband
- round purple sunglasses
- Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags
- tube of dread wax
- water pipe bomb
- wicker shield
The Junkyard
- sawblade shield
- spark plug earring
- rusty chain necklace
- woven baling wire bracelets
- wrench bracelet
- gremlin juice
- gremlin mutagen
- Extra-potent gremlin mutagen
Quest Items
- molybdenum magnet
- molybdenum screwdriver
- molybdenum crescent wrench
- molybdenum hammer
- molybdenum pliers
The Lighthouse
Quest Items
Mysterious Island Arena
Quest Items
The Organic Orchard
The Organic Produce Stand
Sub zone: The Hatching Chamber
Sub zone: The Feeding Chamber
Sub zone: The Guards' Chamber
Sub zone: The Queen's Chamber
McMillicancuddy's Farm
Items (all sub zones)
Sub zone: The Barn
Sub zone: The Granary
Sub zone: The Bog
Sub zone: McMillicancuddy's Back 40
Sub zone: McMillicancuddy's Other Back 40
Sub zone: The Pond
Sub zone: The Family Plot
Sub zone: The Shady Thicket
Our Lady of Perpetual Indecision
Sub zone: The Themthar Hills
The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
Other areas
The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky
The Deep Fat Friars' Gate
- It's The Only Way To Be Sure
- Leavesdropping
- Bureaucracy of the Damned
- We're on a Bridge!
- It's a Good Ship!
- Going Ballet Up
Quest Items
The Gnomish Gnomad Camp
The Hippy Camp
8-Bit Realm
The Misspelled Cemetary
The Obligatory Pirate's Cove
Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Quest Items
The Spooky Forest
The Valley Beyond The Orc Chasm
Bounty Hunter Hunter's Shack
If players have not yet accepted or finished a bounty in a day, they may take one of the three daily bounties (a low-level, mid-level, and high-level bounty are offered). The bounty remains open for the player who accepts it until they complete it, drop it, or ascend. While the bounty is open, the creature(s) it targets drop bounty (quest) items up to the amount requested. Completing a bounty results in 1 Filthy lucre being dropped. Lucre can be spent on the following (non-tradable) items:
- bowl of Bounty-Os
- Oreille Divisée brandy
- Odor extractor
- bounty-hunting helmet
- bounty-hunting rifle
- bounty-hunting pants
- pompadour'd puppy
- Tome of Transcendent Olfaction
New Raffle Prizes
- Grimacite gat
- Grimacite girdle
- Grimacite go-go boots
- Grimacite gauntlets
- Grimacite gaiters
- Grimacite gown
- Grimacite gasmask
Anniversary Items
New Skills
- Pastamancer: Spaghetti Spear
- Sauceror: Salsaball
- Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting - obtainable from the Really Expensive Jewelry and You manual, available at the Little Canadia Jewelers
- Transcendent Olfaction
Legendary Epic Weapons
- Seal Clubber: Hammer of Smiting (Bjorn's Hammer + distilled seal blood)
- Turtle Tamer: Chelonian Morningstar (Mace of the Tortoise + turtle chain)
- Disco Bandit: Shagadelic Disco Banjo (Disco Banjo + vial of mojo)
- Accordion Thief: Squeezebox of the Ages (Rock and Roll Legend + golden reeds)
- Sauceror: 17-alarm Saucepan (5-Alarm Saucepan + Peppercorns of Power)
- Pastamancer: Greek Pasta of Peril (pasta of peril + High-octane olive oil)
New Quests
New Recipes
- Cocktailcrafting brown sugar cane with fermenting powder yields 3 bottles of rum.
- Cocktailcrafting cactus fruit with fermenting powder yields 3 bottles of tequila.
- Cocktailcrafting bowl of rye sprouts with fermenting powder yields 3 bottles of vodka.
- Cocktailcrafting cob of corn with fermenting powder yields 3 bottles of whiskey.
- Cocktailcrafting juniper berries with fermenting powder yields 3 bottles of gin.
- Cocktailcrafting bunch of square grapes with fermenting powder yields 3 boxes of wine.
- Cocktailcrafting blackberry with fermenting powder yields a shot of blackberry schnapps.
- Cocktailcrafting peach with fermenting powder yields a shot of peach schnapps.
- Cocktailcrafting plum with fermenting powder yields a plum wine.
- Cocktailcrafting pear with fermenting powder yields a shot of pear schnapps.
Casseroles and lasagnas
- Cooking displaced fish with dehydrated caviar makes a fishy fish.
- Cooking fishy fish with a Gnollish casserole dish makes a fishy fish casserole.
- Cooking fishy fish casserole with dry noodles and MSG in The Wok of Ages makes fishy fish lasagna.
- Cooking black pepper with long pork makes long pork chop sandwiches.
- Cooking long pork chop sandwiches with Gnollish casserole dish makes long pork casserole.
- Cooking long pork casserole with dry noodles and MSG in The Wok of Ages makes long pork lasagna.
- Cooking Filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") with ancient spice makes gnatloaf.
- Cooking gnatloaf with a Gnollish casserole dish makes Gnatloaf casserole.
- Cooking gnatloaf casserole with dry noodles and MSG in The Wok of Ages makes gnat lasagna.
- Cooking peach with pie crust makes peach pie.
- Cooking plum with pie crust makes Crimbo pie.
- Cooking pear with pie crust makes pear tart.
- digital key with lime makes digital key lime, with pie crust makes digital key lime pie.
- Richard's star key with lime makes star key lime, with pie crust makes star key lime pie.
Wartime Cooking
- Cooking mixed wildflower greens with a handful of walnuts makes nutty organic salad.
- Cooking mixed wildflower greens with megatofu makes super salad.
- Cooking super salad with dry noodles and MSG in The Wok of Ages makes tofu wonton.
- Cooking frat brats with knob ka-bobs makes a super ka-bob.
- Cooking frat brats with McMillicancuddy's Special Lager makes beer basted brat.
- Cooking beer basted brat with dry noodles and MSG in The Wok of Ages makes sausage wonton.
Pork Elf Gemstone Cooking
- Cooking vial of Gnomochloric acid with:
- baconstone makes vial of baconstone juice.
- hamethyst makes vial of hamethyst juice.
- porquoise makes vial of porquoise juice.
- Cooking flask of Gnomochloric acid with:
- baconstone makes flask of baconstone juice.
- hamethyst makes flask of hamethyst juice.
- porquoise makes flask of porquoise juice.
- Cooking jug of Gnomochloric acid with:
- baconstone makes jug of baconstone juice.
- hamethyst makes jug of hamethyst juice.
- porquoise makes jug of porquoise juice.
Changes in Existing Items
- Almost all of the keys needed for the NS Quest (Sneaky Pete's key, Boris's key, Jarlsberg's key, digital key and Richard's star key) are now Quest Items, which means that they are non-tradeable or sellable. The skeleton key, however, is still open to being traded, probably because it can be used for other things (specifically, the Daily Dungeon, to get Sneaky Pete's, Boris's, or Jarlsberg's keys. The digital key and Richard's star key can now be cooked into digital key lime, and star key lime to make digital key lime pie and star key lime pie.
- It is now possible to throw bang potions during combat.
- Both snakehead charms and Talismans o' Nam are also Quest Items now.
- Quest keys are still available in clan stashes. Submitted bug report. Almost definitely a bug do not do.
- Antique armor now smashes into useless powder.
- White picket fence is now not zappable.
Changes in Existing Quests
- The reward for the Happy Birthday, Claude quest is now a pat-a-cake pendant instead of 3 jugs-o-magicalness.
- The reward for Harold's Hammer Quest is now Harold's bell instead of suntan lotion of moxiousness.
- Wounded Guard Quest gives out the ring of half-assed regeneration instead of extra-strength strongness elixir .
- The Typical Tavern Quest no longer gives 3 Advanced Cocktailcrafting drinks as a reward. Instead, you receive 3 standard Cocktailcrafting drinks (3 drunkenness).
- Now, Before you fight the Boss Bat you have to fight some of his bodyguards. You have to fight aprox. 4 of them.
- The Deep Fat Friars' Gate Quest now leads to a secondary quest in The Deep Fat Friars' Gate, which players must finish to obtain a "Steel" consumable reward. This reward must then be consumed to obtain an Organ of Steel.
- In the Undefile the Cyrpt Quest when encountering any sub-boss you are give a choice of fighting it or skip the adventure.
- The Goatlet now requires mining gear to unlock.
- 64735 scrolls can no longer be meat pasted. They are now made thanks to an adventure at the valley.
- Hedge maze puzzle is different, possibly randomized or chosen from a set.
- Naughty Sorceress Quest - Modifications to The Three Gates
- The Sorceress' Tower - New NS Tower Monsters
- Shadow Class - The shadow has been beefed up to match the new level requirements. Funkslinging two Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixirs strategy no longer works. Four red pixel potion strategy still works.
- The Naughty Sorceress - no longer easier when wearing the Furry Suit. The Wand of Nagamar is still required to defeat the third form, but it does not need to be wielded - you merely must have it in your inventory.
Changes in existing skills
- Most Sauceror and Pastamancer combat spells have a damage cap, and if you go beyond that with Bonus Spell Damage then the spell produces a backlash which hurts you if you are using a spell not native to your class, or gives a beneficial effect (only if you are currently a Sauceror using sauce spells). Higher-level spells have higher damage caps, and using a chefstaff or any item with percentage-based spell damage modifiers will allow you to exceed the cap. The cap may be based in part on your current buffed Mysticality.
Accordion Thief
- Having a Rock and Roll Legend in your inventory now only yields 10 adventures per cast. The stolen accordion and Calavera concertina still give 5 and 7 adventures, respectively. Possessing a Squeezebox of the Ages increases the duration to 15.
Seal Clubber
- Eye of the Stoat no longer gives a 100% hit rate to Thrust-Smack and Lunging Thrust-Smack.
- Thrust-Smack and Lunging Thrust-Smack only multiply weapon damage now instead of multiplying both weapon damage and bonus melee damage.
- Rage of the Reindeer had its buff duration increased from 5 to 10.
- Pulverize now has a small chance of yielding a superjewel (Steamy ruby, Tawdry amethyst, Effluvious emerald, Unearthly onyx, Glacial sapphire) when used on high-powered elemental equipment.
Turtle Tamer
- Empathy of the Newt, Astral Shell, and Tenacity of the Snapper require a turtle totem to cast.
- All Turtle tamer buffs (Empathy of the Newt, Astral Shell, and Tenacity of the Snapper confirmed) now have durations similar to Accordion Thief buffs. Their duration is reduced from 10 adventures to 5 adventures. If you have a Mace of the Tortoise in your inventory, this is increased to 10 adventures. Possessing a Chelonian Morningstar increases the duration to 15.
- Spaghetti Spear, new level 1 starting skill was introduced. Manicotti Meditation however, is also still a starting skill.
- Spirit of Rigatoni no longer has its old effect. It now enables the player to equip a chefstaff.
- All of the Flavour of Magic sub-skills now also add 10 Bonus Spell Damage
- Saucerors now create 3 reagent potions instead of one when crafting them, and get an additional 5 turns of coverage from each one.
- Jabañero and Jalapeño Saucespheres had their functionality changed entirely. They now return a percentage of the MP cost of combat sauce spells to the player as HP or MP.
- Sauceror buffs now require a saucepan to cast.
- Sauceror buffs give a duration of 5 turns per cast with a basic saucepan, 10 turns with a 5-Alarm Saucepan, and Saucerors with a 17-alarm Saucepan get 15.
- Sauceror combat spells now give beneficial effects (to Saucerors only) when the player's bonus spell damage causes the spell to exceed its damage cap.
- Salsaball was introduced as a new level one starting skill.
- Immaculate Seasoning no longer gives Bonus Spell Damage.
Fernswarthy's Basement
- There are new adventures in the basement. A new scaling monster, X-dimensional horror has been added. In addition, new adventures (Peace, Bra, Singled Out, Still Better Than Pistachio, Unholy Writes, The Unthawed) will test how much elemental damage you can endure. A Festering Powder tests how much MP drainage you can endure, while Throwin' Down the Gauntlet tests how much Health you can lose.
- In addition to this, unique adventures occur every 100 floors which will reward an adventurer with an all-powerful sandwich, a brain-smashing cocktail or a bizzare-looking barbell. Those who continue on even further will earn a reward which has the potential to surpass even these powerful items.
- The total pre-NS13 number of floors passed in Fernswarthy's Basement is now listed in your quest log under "other accomplishments".