From TheKolWiki
Mysticality reflects your ability to do things mentally instead of physically. It is one of your three main stats, along with Muscle and Moxie.
Mysticality is also:
- the primary stat of Pastamancers, Saucerors, Avatars of Jarlsberg, Ed the Undying, Beanslingers, Vampyres, and Cheeze Wizards
- the secondary stat of Turtle Tamers and Accordion Thieves
- used to calculate your skill-casting points, MP, unless a Moxie magnet is equipped in your off-hand or you are wearing Travoltan trousers for pants
- used to calculate damage done by all spells except Spaghetti Spear, Salsaball, and Magic Missile
- a prerequisite for employing most Accessories and wielding chefstaves – they cannot be equipped unless your base Mysticality is high enough
- used to calculate the Naughty Sorceress's block rate
Upon Ascension you can choose a moon sign. The following moon signs provide +10% to all Mysticality stat gains:
The substat names for Mysticality are:
- Enchantedness
- Magicalness
- Mysteriousness
- Wizardliness