Mysterious silver lapel pin

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mysterious silver lapel pin
mysterious silver lapel pin

Subject 37 sent you this lucky silver lapel pin as a thank-you for helping him escape from the Cobb's Knob laboratory.

It occurs to you that you've got no idea who he actually was, and you don't recognize the squiggly glyph on the front of the pin, either. Oh well!

Type: accessory
Selling Price: 555 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Regenerate 5-9 HP per adventure
+5% Meat from Monsters

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: mysterious silver lapel pins)
View metadata
Item number: 4962
Description ID: 560050214
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Subject 37 (the day after freeing him)


  • The day after freeing Subject 37, players are greeted by this in their inbox:
My escape went off without a hitch, and I've made my way safely home. I couldn't have done it without you, <Player> -- please accept this charm as a token of my thanks. Perhaps it will aid you in your future endeavors.
"Subject 37"
37lapelpin.gifYou acquire an item: mysterious silver lapel pin
  • Players who ascend on the day they free Subject 37 do not receive this reward. This has been confirmed to be intentional behavior.

See Also


  • Subject 37 and this item allude to both:
    • The cult 1960s British television program "The Prisoner" in which characters have numbers rather than names, and all wear a lapel pin featuring a Penny Farthing bicycle.
    • The Assassin's Creed series character Subject 16 who was imprisoned and had a habit of putting strange glyphs on things.
  • The "squiggly glyph on the front of the pin" is a mirror image of the simoleon[1], the in-game currency of The Sims series of games. The second game of The Sims series also features a character named Nervous Subject, who initially lives in the basement of a mad scientist named Loki Beaker.


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