Mysterious Intent

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Mysterious Intent
Mysterious Intent

Anyway, the inside of this tent is a bit... unnerving, but you can't quite put your finger on why. I mean, the biolumenescent fish caged near the ceiling are an unusual red breed, so the light they cast is a bit eerie. And there's an elaborate mystical circle of some kind laid out on the floor with little white pebbles that look almost like teeth, but they plainly aren't. There aren't any dismembered corpses on the portable wooden altar -- not even bloodstains. So, y'know, it's a bit mystical in here, but certainly not enough to make your stomach churn this much. Hrm.

Well, if you're going to loot the place, you haven't got time to be standing around pondering the scenery. The altar looks promising, and there's a small wooden chest next to it, and in the far corner of the tent you spot an austere-looking cot.

Examine the altar

You carefully examine the altar until you find the catch that opens the storage nook on the side. Within you find some incense and candles, which is a little puzzling, but maybe they're just part of the standard altar package.

There's not much else in there except for one of those Mer-kin killscrolls... a little disconcerting, but considering that most altars would have some kind of giant ceremonial dagger or something, it's not that special.

Scroll1.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin killscroll


You carefully examine the altar until you find the catch that opens the storage nook on the side. Within you find some incense and candles, which is a little puzzling, but maybe they're just part of the standard altar package. Pushing that stuff aside, though, you find a small iron box. Now that looks promising.

Chocbox.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin stashbox

Investigate the chest

You open the lid of the chest and find it disappointingly full of unreadable sharkskin-bound books and equally-unreadable scrolls.

You rifle through them for a bit, but don't find anything else of interest, so you take one of the scrolls just for the sake of not leaving empty-handed.

Scroll1.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin healscroll


You open the lid of the chest and find it disappointingly full of unreadable sharkskin-bound books and equally-unreadable scrolls.

You rifle through them for a bit, but don't find anything else interesting except for a small iron box. Oh well. ...Oh hey, wait.

Chocbox.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin stashbox

Check out the cot

You check around the cot, which is disappointingly spartan -- no blankets, not even a pillow. I guess these guys' god doesn't want them to have nice things.

You do find a set of prayerbeads underneath the cot, though, so that's something I guess.

Prayerbeads.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin prayerbeads


You check around the cot, which is disappointingly spartan -- no blankets, not even a pillow. I guess these guys' god doesn't want them to have nice things.

Not willing to leave any stone (by which I mean cot) unturned, you move it away from the wall of the tent and find a small iron box concealed there. See? It pays to be thorough.

Chocbox.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin stashbox

Not that you're scared of Mer-kin hoodoo or anything, but maybe it's not a good idea to loot the tent of one of their priests, you know? It just seems... unlucky. You sneak back out of the tent and look for greener -- or at least less spooky -- pastures.

Occurs at The Mer-Kin Outpost, after going Into the Outpost.
