Mulled cider

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mulled cider
mulled cider

This is a mug of spiked cider, about which someone has spent a long time thinking. It's way tastier than mullet cider, and will leave far fewer strands of hair on your tongue.

Type: booze (awesome)
Potency: 3
Level required: 5
Selling Price: 50 Meat.

(In-game plural: mugs of mulled cider)
View metadata
Item number: 4259
Description ID: 452964956
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

A crowd of monsters (with a Pumpkinhead mask)

When Consumed

You drink the mulled cider, ruminating and cogitating the whole while. Then you go look up those words so you'll stop snickering, dangit.
AdventuresYou gain 8-12 Adventures.
You gain 25-40 Strongness.
You gain 25-40 Wizardliness.
You gain 25-40 Smarm.
You gain 3 Drunkenness.


  • Mull, ruminate, and cogitate are all synonyms for the word think.


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