Mulled blood

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mulled blood
mulled blood

This blood has been infused with spices and simmered, making your entire house smell like a festive abbatoir.

Type: booze (EPIC)
Potency: 1
Cannot be discarded

Can only be drunk by Vampyres

(In-game plural: mulled bloods)
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Item number: 10172
Description ID: 958220017
View in-game: view
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Shaker.gif blood bag spices
Equals.gif mulled blood

When Consumed

You drink the blood. It reminds you of that one horrible Crimbo you spent working in a slaughterhouse.
AdventuresYou gain 14 Adventures.
You gain 10-15 Beefiness.
You gain 10-15 Mysteriousness.
You gain 10-15 Sarcasm.
You gain 1 Drunkenness.
Only Vampyres can drink that.


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