Muculent machete

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muculent machete
muculent machete

This is a machete coated in thick mucus. I know, I know, it sounds nasty, but it's actually really useful -- anything you cut with it will have a tendency to stick to it. Just don't use it to cut class -- education is very important.

Type: weapon (1-handed sword)
Damage: 6 - 12
Muscle Required: 15
Selling Price: 65 Meat.

Muscle +2
+5% Meat from Monsters

(In-game plural: muculent machetes)
View metadata
Item number: 1721
Description ID: 190422019
View in-game: view
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Hammer.gif sword hilt meat stack  
Hammer.gif basic meat sword catsup or ketchup  
Hammer.gif dripping meat sword forest tears
Equals.gif muculent machete


  • Having this machete equipped while fighting a dense liana in the Hidden City will instantly end the combat without spending a turn.

See Also


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