Mouthless murmur

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Mouthless murmur
Monster ID 2043
Locations almost anywhere in the kingdom during Crimbo Season XV
Hit Points  ?
Attack  ?
Defense unknown
Initiative 0
Meat unknown
Phylum weird
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts silence
silent A, silent B, silent C, silent D, silent E, silent F, silent G, silent H, silent I, silent J, silent K, silent L, silent M, silent N, silent O, silent P, silent Q, silent R, silent S, silent T, silent U, silent V, silent W, silent X, silent Y, silent Z
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
mouthless murmur You're fighting a mouthless murmur

Suddenly you don't hear or see anything.

Hit Message(s):

A glass on a nearby shelf suddenly shatters, pelting you with little bits of broken glass. Ugh! Eek! Oof!

You think you hear nothing, but it's something. Oof! Oof! Ouch!

The hair on the back of your neck suddenly raises up, and it distracts you so much that you trip over a nearby ottoman. Ugh! Ouch! Argh!

You think you hear something behind you, and wrench your neck turning around really fast to see what it was. It was nothing. You heard nothing. Argh! Eek! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

You think you hear something behind you, and wrench your neck turning around really fast to see what it was. It was nothing. You heard nothing. (CRITICAL HIT!) Argh! Ooh! Ooh!

Miss Message(s):

You think you hear something, but it's nothing.

The hair on the back of your neck suddenly raises up, but it passes.

You think you see something, but it's nothing.

Fumble Message:

You think you hear something, but it's nothing. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Silenta.gifYou acquire an item: silent A (??% chance)*
Silentb.gifYou acquire an item: silent B (??% chance)*
Silentc.gifYou acquire an item: silent C (??% chance)*
Silentd.gifYou acquire an item: silent D (??% chance)*
Silente.gifYou acquire an item: silent E (??% chance)*
Silentf.gifYou acquire an item: silent F (??% chance)*
Silentg.gifYou acquire an item: silent G (??% chance)*
Silenth.gifYou acquire an item: silent H (??% chance)*
Silenti.gifYou acquire an item: silent I (??% chance)*
Silentj.gifYou acquire an item: silent J (??% chance)*
Silentk.gifYou acquire an item: silent K (??% chance)*
Silentl.gifYou acquire an item: silent L (??% chance)*
Silentm.gifYou acquire an item: silent M (??% chance)*
Silentn.gifYou acquire an item: silent N (??% chance)*
Silento.gifYou acquire an item: silent O (??% chance)*
Silentp.gifYou acquire an item: silent P (??% chance)*
Silentq.gifYou acquire an item: silent Q (??% chance)*
Silentr.gifYou acquire an item: silent R (??% chance)*
Silents.gifYou acquire an item: silent S (??% chance)*
Silentt.gifYou acquire an item: silent T (??% chance)*
Silentu.gifYou acquire an item: silent U (??% chance)*
Silentv.gifYou acquire an item: silent V (??% chance)*
Silentw.gifYou acquire an item: silent W (??% chance)*
Silentx.gifYou acquire an item: silent X (??% chance)*
Silenty.gifYou acquire an item: silent Y (??% chance)*
Silentz.gifYou acquire an item: silent Z (??% chance)*
You gain 19-24 <substat>.


  • This is a wandering monster, part of Crimbo Season XV.
  • The letter dropped is determined by the location that the wandering monster was encountered.