1400. stench werewolf
1401. sleaze werewolf
1402. hot zombie
1403. cold zombie
1404. spooky zombie
1405. stench zombie
1406. sleaze zombie
1407. hot ghost
1408. cold ghost
1409. spooky ghost
1410. stench ghost
1411. sleaze ghost
1412. hot vampire
1413. cold vampire
1414. spooky vampire
1415. stench vampire
1416. sleaze vampire
1417. hot skeleton
1418. cold skeleton
1419. spooky skeleton
1420. stench skeleton
1421. sleaze skeleton
1422. QuickBASIC elemental
1423. François Verte, Art Teacher
1424. Mrs. K, the Chemistry Teacher
1425. Principal Mooney
1426. dense liana
1427. pygmy janitor
1428. pygmy shaman
1429. pygmy witch surgeon
1430. pygmy witch accountant
1431. drunk pygmy
1432. pygmy bowler
1433. pygmy witch nurse
1434. pygmy witch lawyer
1435. pygmy orderlies
1436. junksprite sharpener
1437. junksprite bender
1438. junksprite melter
1439. Doctor Oh, the Junksprite Boss
1440. scout seal
1441. bulwark bull seal
1442. official seal
1443. [general seal]
1444. stiff disco dancer
1445. awkward disco dancer
1446. flexible disco dancer
1447. The Sagittarian (unconfirmable)
1448. vandal kid
1449. kid who is too old to be Trick-or-Treating
1450. suburban security civilian
1451. All-Hallow's Steve
1452. depressing French accordionist
1453. lively Cajun accordionist
1454. quirky indie-rock accordionist
1455. Frank "Skipper" Dan, the Accordion Lord (unconfirmable)
1456. spirit bedbug
1457. spirit pea
1458. spirit faucet
1459. Warbear Foot Soldier
1460. spirit alarm clock
1461. Possessed Can of Linguine-Os
1462. Frozen Bag of Tortellini
1463. Possessed Jar of Alphredo™
1464. Box of Crafty Dinner
1465. Possessed Can of Creepy Pasta
1466. Chef Boy, R&D
1467. Warbear Officer
1468. High-Ranking Warbear Officer
1469. Warbear General Björn Björnsonsvensentagdotterström
1470. steaming straw house
1471. frosty straw house
1472. Dutch Angle straw house
1473. befouled straw house
1474. oily straw house
1475. glowing ash house
1476. cold ironwood house
1477. quaking aspen house
1478. pitch pine house
1479. slippery elm house
1480. brick kiln
1481. brick icehouse
1482. brick mausoleum
1483. brick outhouse
1484. brick (suggestive pause) house
1485. treadmill
1486. rack of free weights
1487. Abcrusher 4000™
1488. Escalatormaster™
1489. Legstrong™ stationary bicycle
1490. school of gummi piranhas
1491. gummi plesiosaur
1492. lemonhead minnow
1493. Rock Pop weasel
1494. chocolate hare
1495. chocolate-cherry prairie dog
1496. candied pecan tree
1497. licorice snake
1498. tricksy pixie
1499. fire truck