There are 11 creatures filed under Other, and 2 listed here for convenience.
%playername the Adventurer
- <playername> is largely made of carbon.
- <playername> has never been to Antarctica.
- <playername> is basically an okay person, unless [he]{she} sometimes supports KoL financially, in which case [he]{she} is a gorgeous paragon of humanity.
- Eon films has a long a litigious history involving this "Blofeld" character.
- Any resemblance to the fictitious Blofeld is purely coincidence.
- It's not even really him!
"Handyman" Jay Android
- "Handyman" Jay's slogan used to be "To wipe your troubles away, try Handy Jay." But times have changed.
- "Handyman" Jay is a licensed "plumber" and "electrician" with years of "experience," if you know what I mean.
- Sometimes "Handyman" Jay brings along an "assistant" who is "learning on the job."
- Phoenix is the name of the company that supplies natural gas to FantasyRealm.
- The fact that the gas is "natural" means LyleCo gets a bunch of government subsidies that are supposed to go to organic farmers.
- LyleCo employs a lot of people, but its largest department by a huge margin is "Shady Legal."
"plain" girl
- In the entire history of mankind, nobody wearing glasses has ever been kissed or hugged or loved by anyone.
- Some people speculate that the only reason glasses were invented is so people would stop kissing and hugging all the time and solve important world problems instead.
- The ponytail was invented by the first horse.
- That isn't actually his real name. His real name is even sillier.
- Later, he (would have) dyed his hair black and started wearing a regular three-piece suit instead of ruffly renaissance garb. Which means he was the first Ventrue.
- Kids these days have no respect for their tousands[sic]-of-years-elders.
- %factoid%
- %factoidthesecond%
- %interestingtidbit%
(shadow opponent)
- Look, the shadow opponent is basically a negative-matter version of yourself. Do you need a bunch of fun facts about the opposite of you, or can you extrapolate 'em yourself?
- Okay, fine. The shadow opponent has impeccable hygiene, is physically fit, and its breath doesn't smell like cheese whether or not it's eaten any cheese.
- The shadow opponent also has lots of friends, gets laid on a regular basis, and its mother doesn't enjoy sex with dozens of anonymous men.
1335 HaXx0r
- The 1335 HaxXor was orginally called the Xx_1335HaXx0R_xX, until we made him stop.
- Most of the HaxX0r's "1337haxxx" are just scrolls he bought off of an actual hacker.
- The 1335 HaxX0r once tried to score those elusive two more 1337ness points by hacking a bugged bugbear. The bugbear responded to the hacking with a fierce slashing.
[somebody else's butt]
- The fax machine was originally invented as a diagnosis tool for proctologists, so that patients could be examined by specialists without having to travel to another hospital. It is only recently that these machines have been used for business purposes.
- You should never show your butt to a stranger, because they might turn out to be a werewolf.
- Did we already do the joke about butting heads with buttheads? Okay, never mind then.
- The names of the yetis never really changed, per se, everyone just started using a new method for transliterating the Yeti language into English characters.
- Yetis mainly live in cold places, because they can't take off their heavy fur coats.
- If you weren't around for the big skeleton invasion and there's no particular reason why a winged yeti might know your name, well... I guess it's just a fan?
- The entries for the Adventurer and winged yeti are actually listed under the first letters of their names.
- The weird princess the 7-foot dwarf foreman is worried about is Snow White.
- The 7-foot dwarf replicant's factoids are all nods to the film Blade Runner.
- The 1335 HaXx0r's first factoid may relate to xSmootx, a
notorious troll strongly opinionated user banned from the forums.