Moist sailor's cap

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moist sailor's cap
moist sailor's cap

Many words can be used to describe an ordinary sailor's cap, and "moist" is definitely among them. This one, however, is particularly moist as a result of having spent decades under the ocean. And it smells foul, as a result of having also spent those decades atop the head of an ambulatory carcass.

Type: hat
Power: 200
Moxie Required: 85
Selling Price: 275 Meat.

Muscle +10%
+20 Stench Damage
Stupendous Hot Resistance (+4)

(In-game plural: moist sailor's caps)
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Item number: 3599
Description ID: 473366824
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons
drowned sailor


See Also


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