Mob Penguin Soprano

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Mob Penguin Soprano
Monster ID 218
Locations The Icy Peak in The Recent Past
Hit Points 90
Attack 95
Defense 85
Initiative 80
Meat 20-30
Phylum penguin
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts head, leg, torso, wing
mafia aria, Mob Penguin cellular phone, support cummerbund
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Mob Penguin Soprano You're fighting a Mob Penguin Soprano

This penguin occupies a position of great authority in the Penguin Mafia. One word from him, and an army of armed thugs will come to your house and break your arms, and possibly your armoire.

He also sings a mean aria. Really, really mean. If it weren't for the occasional panic attacks, he'd be almost unstoppable..

Hit Message(s):

He hits high C, and your eardrums shatter. Ow! Argh! Eek!

Critical Hit Message:

He hits high C, and your eardrums shatter. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ugh! Eek! Eek!

Miss Message(s):

He tries to sing at you, but forgets the words and has to hum instead.

Fumble Message:

He tries to sing at you, but forgets the words and has to hum instead. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Meat.gifYou gain 20-30 Meat
Cumberbund.gifYou acquire an item: support cummerbund (10% chance)*
Phone.gifYou acquire an item: Mob Penguin cellular phone (20% chance)*
Music2.gifYou acquire an item: mafia aria (35% chance)*
You gain 19 <substat>.

Occurred at The Icy Peak in The Recent Past.


  • The name "Mob Penguin Soprano" refers to the U.S. drama "The Sopranos", about a family of mobsters. The head of the family, Tony Soprano, suffers from panic attacks and is under an analyst's care because of them.