Miniature boiler
From TheKolWiki
This is a little toy boiler. The idea is that you use it to teach children how to be safe if they happen to find themselves unattended in a building that's like 200 years old. (In-game plural: miniature boilers) |
Obtained From
- The Haunted Boiler Room
- Monstrous boiler
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Twin Peak
- Synecdoche, Twin Peak (occurs semi-rarely)
When Used
- Against Group Monsters:
You wind up the boiler and set it on the ground in front of your opopnents.[sic] It starts making a hissing noise, and after a few seconds it explodes spectacularly, dealing 200-400 damage. |
- Otherwise:
You wind up the boiler and set it on the ground. It starts making a hissing noise, and after a few seconds it pops, dealing 20-40 damage to your opponent. Huh. That was pretty anticlimactic. |
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