Mini-Adventurer/Mini-Turtle Tamer

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Needs exact formulas and messages for level 15+ abilities
Mini-Turtle Tamer

Your stray DNA
Made this little splice of life
Such cute mad science!

Ability: Has abilities dependent on its class. Maintains a buff on you dependent on your class and its.

Throne/Bjorn: All attributes +10%

Hatchling: Cloneegg.gif adventurer clone egg

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Minimra.gif mini-Mr. Accessory

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • During combat:
    <Name> channels mystic terrapin energy into your opponent, doing X damage and refreshing you.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> communes with ancient turtle spirits, then commands them to bite your opponent for X damage and refresh you with his essence.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> summons a slice of spectral pizza (the favorite food of all turtles). It pokes your opponent for X damage, then absorbs into your soul, refreshing your mojo.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> summons a spectral tortoise. It swims through your opponent for 21 damage, then gives you a refreshing tortoise-back ride.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> summons the spirit of the Ancient Turtle Who Used to Hold up the World before Science Ruined Everything. It finsmacks your opponent for X damage, then refreshes you with energy from before the world began.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> summons the spirit of the swamp turtle to bite your opponent for X damage, and pass some ancient wisdom on to you.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> summons tiny spectral snapping turtles. They snap at your opponent for X damage, then refresh you with their snappy repartee.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> waves his tiny turtle totem in the air. A little ghostly turtle swims through your opponent for X damage, then floats through you.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
    <Name> waves his tiny turtle totem in the air, tracing a complicated mystical pattern. Your opponent takes X damage, and you feel your mojo risin'.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • <Name> calls forth an army of tiny turtles, who nip at your opponents' ankles, doing X damage. He looks a little shaken by the attack.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> does a tiny, adorable head, shield, and kneebutt on your opponent for X damage, leaving him looking demoralized and weaker than before.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> hits your opponent with a tiny bo staff, tiny nunchucks, two tiny sai, and two tiny katana blades, doing X damage and leaving him reeling. Cowabunga!
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> launches a tiny box turtle at your opponent. It boxes him for X damage, leaving him more than a little punch-drunk.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> launches a tiny painted turtle at your opponent. It bites him for X damage, then paints demoralizing slogans on him.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> launches a tiny snapping turtle at your opponent. The turtle bites it for X damage, then snaps at it until it is thoroughly demoralized.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> proves he is a hero on the half-shell by whacking your opponent with his turtle-shell shield, knocking him silly and doing X damage.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> throws a tiny one of those creepy turtles with the long snake-necks at your opponent. He looks freaked out, then pained when the turtle bites him for X damage.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y
    <Name> whips a tiny slider turtle at your opponent. It slides into him, knocking him over and doing X damage.
    Monster AttackMonster attack power reduced by Y
    Monster DefenseMonster defense reduced by Y

  • <Name> gazes at your opponent with pitch-black eyes and mutters, "not that it matters. Nothing matters." It gets goosebumps on top of its goosebumps, and takes X damage.
  • At the end of combat:
    <Name> gives you the sweet, gummy smile of a soft-shell turtle.
    <Name> gives you the wide smile of a contented loggerhead turtle.
    <Name> smiles at you happily. He's really coming out of his shell.
    <Name> smiles like a blissed-out sea turtle riding the East Australian Current.
    <Name> smiles like a punch-drunk boxing turtle.
    <Name> smiles the sardonic smirk of a snapping turtle.
    <Name> smiles sweetly, as if nothing matters, and that's all right with her.
    <Name> summons a long-necked turtle, who regards you with a gummy terrapin grin.
    <Name> summons a bunch of tiny painted turtles with smiley-faces on their backs.



  • "A blissed-out sea turtle riding the East Australian Current" may refer to surfer-dude sea turtle Crush, from the movie Finding Nemo.
  • "Not that it matters" and "Nothing matters" are said by Morla, the Ancient One, a giant turtle in Neverending Story.
  • A tiny bo-staff, nunchucks, sai and katana would be wielded by tiny Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who have "Cowabunga!" as a catch phrase.

Miniadv0.gif Pick a Mini-Adventurer class:
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Mini-Seal Clubber
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Mini-Turtle Tamer
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Miniadv4.gif Miniadv4f.gif
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Mini-Disco Bandit
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Mini-Accordion Thief