Mini-Adventurer/Mini-Seal Clubber

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Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

Looking for more messages and a more specific trigger rate for the effect removal. Can it remove any effects that the Hot Tub can't? Better way to deal with gender.
Mini-Seal Clubber

Your stray DNA
Made this little splice of life
Such cute mad science!

Ability: Has abilities dependent on its class. Maintains a buff on you dependent on your class and its.

Throne/Bjorn: All attributes +10%

Hatchling: Cloneegg.gif adventurer clone egg

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Minimra.gif mini-Mr. Accessory

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif Question.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • During combat:
    <Name> punches your opponent with a seal-hide-gauntleted fist, doing X damage.
    <Name> decides not to give your opponent a knuckle sandwich, but gives <him/her/it/them> a club sandwich instead, clubbing <him/her/it/them> for X damage.
    <Name> puts one seal-hide boot in your opponent's tail for X damage.
    <Name> pulls out <his/her> seal-clubbing club, pretends your opponent is a seal, and pounds <him/her/it/them> for X damage.
    <Name> channels the ancient seal-clubber Lang, clubbing your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> pulls out <his/her> trusty seal-clubbing club and inducts your opponent into the seal-clubbing club clubbed club, for X damage.
    <Name> proves <he/she> is a clubber by clobbering your opponent with his[sic]? club for X damage.
    <Name> shouts, "thrust-SMACK!" in an adorable tiny voice, while smacking your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> pulls out <his/her> trusty seal-clubbing club and inducts your opponent into the seal-clubbing club clubbed club, for X damage.
    <Name> pulls out two daggers made from hellseal horns and stabs your opponent for X damage.
    <Name> whips out a whip made from seal hide, and lashes your opponent for X damage.

  • <Name> conjures the cold northland air into <his/her> fist, then launches a haymaker at your opponent, scrambling <his/her/its/their> mind and doing X damage.
    <Name> beats on your opponent with some frozen hellseal horns, doing X damage and really confusing <him/her/it/them>.
    <Name> pelts your opponent with a snowball from the frigid northlands, confusing <him/her/it/them> and doing X damage.
    <Name> pulls out an icicle-club and clubs your opponent with it, boggling <him/her/it/them> and doing X damage.
    <Name> pelts your opponent with a snowball from the frigid northlands, confusing <him/her/it/them> and doing X damage.
    <Name> conjures the cold northland air into <his/her> fist, then launches a haymaker at your opponent, scrambling <his/her/its/their> mind and doing X damage.
    <Name> pelts your opponent with frozen seal meat, freaking <him/her/its/their> out and doing X damage.
    <Name> pulls out a massive icicle and smacks your opponent upside the head with it. <He/She/It/They> reels, dizzy, and takes X damage.
    <Name> scratches your opponent with a frozen seal tooth, confusing <him/her/it/them> and doing X damage.
    <Name> causes a mini-avalanche to appear out of nowhere, boggling your opponent and doing X damage.
    <Name> blows frigid northland breath at your opponent, staggering <him/her/it/them> and doing X damage.
    <Name> beats on your opponent with some frozen hellseal horns, doing X damage and really confusing <him/her/it>.

  • When affected by one or more negative status effects:
    <Name> licks some of the badness off of your hand. You feel a little less negative.
    <Name> licks your hand, showing affection and ridding you of a negative effect.
    <Name> tugs on your hand, and when you bend over to talk to <him/her>, he[sic]? licks your cheek. It's a little gross, but it makes you feel less negative.
    <Name> squeaks, "Tongue of the Otter!" and licks the back of your knee. It tickles like the dickens, but you feel a little less negative.
    <Name> sees a negative effect smudging your cheeks, and licks it away for you. Aw, who's a good little mini-adventurer?
    <Name> licks the back of your hand with <his/her> little barbed tongue, thoroughly cleaning off any negative effects residing there.
    <Name> licks a negative effect off of you. Don't worry; their mouths are cleaner than our own.
    <Name> shows affection by licking your feet. It tickles, but it also makes a negative effect go away, because science.
    <Name> licks the tip of your nose to show affection. Fortunately, that's where a negative effect was, and it's gone now.

  • At the end of combat:
    <Name> low-fives you after the combat, smiling widely.
    <Name> says, "great work, boss!" and smiles <his/her> warrior's smile.
    <Name> hoists <his/her> club over <his/her> head and grins, pleased with your combat skills.
    <Name> grins a tiny bloodthirsty grin. Clearly, following you around is what is best in life.
    <Name> grins and roars a tiny, adorable warrior's roar of approval.
    <Name> shouts a squeaky victory cry, smiling so wide <his/her> tiny face almost splits in half.
    <Name> doffs <his/her> seal-clubbing cap to you, smiling widely.
    <Name> grins an adorable bloodthirsty grin, clearly proud of your combat prowess.
    <Name> pounds <his/her> tiny chest and howls like a barbarian warrior, then gives you a smile of approval.
    <Name> gives you a grin and a stoic nod, as if to say, "keep up the good work, fellow warrior!"

Miniadv0.gif Pick a Mini-Adventurer class:
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Mini-Seal Clubber
Miniadv2.gif Miniadv2f.gif
Mini-Turtle Tamer
Miniadv3.gif Miniadv3f.gif
Miniadv4.gif Miniadv4f.gif
Miniadv5.gif Miniadv5f.gif
Mini-Disco Bandit
Miniadv6.gif Miniadv6f.gif
Mini-Accordion Thief


  • The physical attack does (Weight/2) to Weight damage, and triggers 25% of the time.
  • The cold attack does 1 to (Weight/2) damage and stuns the enemy for one round. It triggers 20% of the time.
  • Can remove one negative status ailment per combat round. However, it doesn't have 100% chance to act. (Spading needed; appears to be around 50%) It can apparently remove the same ailments as the hot tub, except for Coated in Slime.


  • "What is best in life?" is a question answered by Conan the Barbarian: "crush your enemies — see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."