Mer-kin scholar tailpiece

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Mer-kin scholar tailpiece
Mer-kin scholar tailpiece

This is a Mer-kin tailpiece festooned with the long black belt of a Mer-kin scholar. That's right: they have a black belt in knowledge.

Type: pants
Power: 200
Mysticality Required: 85
Outfit: Mer-kin Scholar's Vestments
  (2 items)

Cannot be traded or discarded

Combat Initiative -25%
Mysticality +10%
+2 MP to use Skills

(In-game plural: Mer-kin scholar tailpieces)
View metadata
Item number: 4287
Description ID: 873915410
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Grandma (1 crappy Mer-kin tailpiece, 1 Mer-kin waistrope)

See Also


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