Mer-kin rustler

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Mer-kin rustler
Monster ID 777
Locations The Coral Corral
Hit Points 750
Attack 700
Defense 675
Initiative 100
Meat 160-240
Phylum mer-kin
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, head, tail, torso
mer-kin thingpouch, Mer-kin foodbucket, Mer-kin hookspear
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Mer-kin rustler You're fighting a Mer-kin rustler

This Mer-kin has made a shady career out of stealing sea cows from the sea cowboys. You'd think the constant rustling noise would make him crappy at sneaking up on sea cows, but then you'd be overestimating sea cow intelligence.

Hit Message(s):

He crunches some dead leaves in one hand while slapping you with the other. Ouch! Ow! Ugh!

He rustles up some grub, then hits you with his foodbucket. Ugh! Ouch! Oof!

He heats up his hookspear until it's a brand, and gives you a most unpleasant body modification. Ooh! Ugh! Oof! (hot damage)

He pokes you with his hookspear, while assaulting your ears with his paper-bag rustling. Ow! Eek! Argh!

He whips you with his fishy tail. Does that count as a kick? Argh! Eek! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

He frightens a herd (school?) of sea cows into swimming over, under, and through you. Ooh! Eek! Oof!

Miss Message(s):

He crunches dead leaves in both hands, ominously.

He stops to go rustle up some grub.

He tries to brand you with his hookspear, but fails to heat it up first.

He tries to whip you with his tail, but you high-tail it away.

He wants to punch you in the <ankle>, but can't rustle up the courage.

Fumble Message:

He stops to go rustle some sea cows elsewhere. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Pail.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin foodbucket (10% chance)*
Coinpurse.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin thingpouch (15% chance)*
Hookspear.gifYou acquire an item: Mer-kin hookspear (2% chance)*

Occurs at The Coral Corral.