Mer-kin hookspear
From TheKolWiki
This is a nasty-looking barbed spear designed to stab things and then rip big chunks off of them. Man. These Mer-kin guys are really mean. (In-game plural: Mer-kin hookspears) |
Obtained From
- The Marinara Trench
- Mer-kin diver
- The Mer-Kin Outpost
- Mer-kin raider
- Aggressive Intent
- The Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons
- Mer-kin scavenger
- On a critical hit against a monster that drops meat, if equipped in the mainhand:
You gain X Meat. |
- The amount of Meat is 15%-20% (in the sea, 25%-35%) of the monster's base Meat drop, floored. This amount can be 0 for monsters such as the big creepy spider.
- The critical hit effect does not work if the monster does not drop meat.
- The critical hit effect can only happen once per battle, if you happen to get two critical hits in one battle.
- The critical hit effect on a Dirty thieving brigand during the war sidequest lets you keep the meat instead of handing it over to the ladies.
See Also
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