Memory of an A

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memory of an A
memory of an A

You used to be a good student, before you started running with the wrong crowd. I tried to tell you, but no, you wouldn't listen -- you knew everything, and you were invincible.

Remember that biology test, the one that covered the chapter on genetics? You got an A on that test. You remember that A.

(Meat Pasting component)
Selling Price: 10 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: memories of As)
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Item number: 4008
Description ID: 312825464
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Primordial Soup
cluster of angry bacteria
hostile amoeba
Beginner's Luck (Lucky Adventure)



  • The "A" stands for adenine, one of the four main bases found in DNA.


"4008" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.