Medium slimy cyst

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medium slimy cyst
medium slimy cyst

Remember that episode of Medium where that one character had a cyst removed? This isn't that cyst -- it's a different cyst, about a foot in diameter, and covered with a layer of slimy goo.

Type: usable
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: medium slimy cysts)
View metadata
Item number: 4093
Description ID: 131901538
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Slime Tube
Slime Construct

When Used

  • Single use:
You wipe off the cyst and bang it against the ground until it splits open. Say! Toys!
Coily.gifYou acquire an item: Coily™ (5% chance)*
Jart.gifYou acquire an item: lawn dart (45% chance)*
Petfrisbee.gifYou acquire an item: old school flying disc (50% chance)*
  • Multi-use:
You wipe off the cysts and bang them against the ground until they split open. Say! Toys!
Coily.gifYou acquire an item: Coily™ (5% chance)*
Jart.gifYou acquire an item: lawn dart (45% chance)*
Petfrisbee.gifYou acquire an item: old school flying disc (50% chance)*


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