When the war between the frat boys and the hippies is over, you can adventure in the farm again, this time presented as a single zone. All the ducks from all of the sub-zones in the original quest (except the generic duck) appear here, even if you did not fight them during the original quest.
You are permitted to kill 10 ducks daily if you completed this subquest as in Hippy fatigues, or 15 if you did it in Frat boy fatigues. Ending the war without completing the quest will give you only 5 ducks per day. Running away, or getting beaten up does not count toward this limit, but ducks from the Spooky Putty sheet will. So save puttied ducks for last.
A primary stat of 170 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- A soul-curdling *QUACK* makes the hair on the back of your next stand up. Eerily, the quack doesn't echo.
Wait, yes it does. That's a myth, sorry. Anyway, it's a pretty freaky quack, anyway.
(It is recommended that you have at least 170 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Trying to adventure more than what you're permitted gives this message:
"You wander around the farm for a while, but can't find any additional ducks to fight. Maybe some more will come out of hiding by tomorrow."
However, if you are falling-down drunk, you will get the usual Drunken Stupor adventures even if you've already cleared out all the ducks for the day.
Combat Adventures
rotund duck -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: duct tape
- Meat Drop: 240-360
- Monster Level: 175 • Substat Gain: 43.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 185
- Monster Defense: 157
- Hit Points: 195
- Initiative: 40
- Elemental Alignment: None
- In completing the quest you encounter three choice adventures. Depending on what you did choose, the descriptions for some monsters could be inaccurate. Scorched duck and greasy duck are examples of this.
- The quacks of ducks not echoing is a famous urban legend.