Maximizing Your Familiar Weight

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With the right familiar, bonus weight can be converted into meat and item drops, stats, Monster Level, Combat Initiative, HP- and MP Regeneration and even Spell Damage. There are also situations where it's more effective to maximize Familiar Weight over other bonuses -- such as when fighting The Unkillable Skeleton (Hard Mode) or meat farming with a Stocking Mimic.

Note that some familiars have higher or lower maximum weights based on familiar restrictions, equipments, and abilities.

Ultra rares and Raffle House/Radio prizes Tradable and still obtainable, but rare
Semi-rares and war hero drops
Mr. Store/KoL Con accessible derivatives Tradable (directly or ingredients or zone access consumable), unlimited generation to those who own source, source no longer obtainable
Mr. Store/KoL Con items and inaccessible derivatives Tradable, but no longer obtainable
Other limited time content
Clan Dungeon non-tradables Untradable, but still obtainable
Other non-tradables
Non-tradables from past holidays and world events Untradable, and no longer obtainable
* Single-equip restriction, or two-handed/three-handed weapon
^ Equipment disappears at the end of the day or the equipment (or its associated enchantment) has a limited duration

Hat Back Item Shirt Pants
crumpled felt fedora 10 lbs
shining star cap 10 lbs (December only)
Zombo's skullcap 10 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Boris's Helm 5 lbs
Crown of Thrones (with various occupants) 5 lbs
Daylight Shavings Helmet 5 lbs
papier-mitre 5 lbs
plexiglass pith helmet 5 lbs
warbear foil hat 5 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Elder Turtle Shell 3 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Buddy Bjorn (with various occupants) 5 lbs
snowpack 5 lbs (Pastamancers only)
Crimbuccaneer shirt 10 lbs (December only)
Stephen's lab coat 5 lbs
Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 5 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
repaid diaper 15 lbs
Galapagosian Cuisses 10 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Great Wolf's beastly trousers 10 lbs
grubby wool trousers 5 lbs
Greaves of the Murk Lord 5 lbs
porcelain plus-fours 4 lbs
Mainhand Offhand Accessory Familiar equipment
Adobe adze w/ Adobe Adze Subscription* 10 lbs
cursed pirate cutlass* 10 lbs
Fouet de tortue-dressage 10 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Fourth of May Cosplay Saber (with Empathy Chip) 10 lbs
rope^ 10 lbs
gnawed-up dog bone 5 lbs
iFlail 5 lbs
love 5 lbs
party whip 5 lbs
Spelunker's whip 5 lbs
bar whip 2 lbs
magic whistle 1 lbs
Burning paper crane^ 10 lbs
ghostly reins^ 10 lbs
Left-Hand Man action figure 7 lbs
gnawed-up dog bone 5 lbs
iFlail 5 lbs
love 5 lbs
latte lovers member's mug 5 lbs (with rawhide as an ingredient)
Old school flying disc 5 lbs
Operation Patriot Shield 5 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Ouija Board, Ouija Board 5 lbs
Spelunker's whip 5 lbs
shield of the Skeleton Lord 5 lbs
Wal-Mart snowglobe 5 lbs
bar whip 2 lbs
magic whistle 1 lbs
over-the-shoulder Folder Holder* 15 lbs (with the Catfish folder inserted, underwater only)
Belt of Loathing* 10 lbs
Brutal brogues^ 8 lbs
recovered cufflinks* 6 lbs
bakelite badge* 5 lbs
furry halo* 5 lbs (when unarmed)
hewn moon-rune spoon* 5 lbs
over-the-shoulder Folder Holder* 5 lbs (with the Heavy metal folder inserted)
lucky rabbitfish fin* 5 lbs
BGE tiny plastic toy* 3 lbs
Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu* 3 lbs
Pokëmann figurine: Twitter* 3 lbs
Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth* 3 lbs
tiny die-cast turtle mech 2 lbs
tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ 2 lbs
Tiny Plastic Familiars 1 lbs
tiny costume wardrobe 25 lbs (doppelshifter only)
Snow Suit 20-5 lbs
familiar specific equipment 5-25 lbs
astral pet sweater 10 lbs
sugar shield^ 10 lbs
amulet coin^ 10 lbs
luck incense^ 10 lbs
muscle band^ 10 lbs
razor fang^ 10 lbs
shell bell^ 10 lbs
smoke ball^ 10 lbs
ittah bittah hookah 5 lbs
little box of fireworks 5 lbs
Loathing Legion helicopter 5 lbs
Mayflower bouquet 5 lbs
moveable feast 5 lbs
plastic pumpkin bucket 5 lbs
lead necklace 3 lbs
Outfit Effects and Buffs Passive skills, non-buff skills and others
El Vibrato Relics 0-100 lbs (El Vibrato Megadrone only)
Dire Drifter Duds 5 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
She Ate Too Much Candy 1-25 lbs
Meteor Showered 20 lbs
Puzzle Champ 5-20 lbs
Robot Friends 20 lbs
Smart Drunk 20 lbs
All Is Forgiven 10 lbs
Bureaucratized 10 lbs
Chorale of Companionship 10 lbs
Crocodile Tear 10 lbs (Underwater only)
Cold Hearted 1-10 lbs (does not stack with other love songs)
Down With Chow 10 lbs
Healthy Green Glow 10 lbs
Hip to the Jive 10 lbs
Human-Fish Hybrid 10 lbs
Joy 10 lbs
Open Heart Surgery 10 lbs
Pajama Party 10 lbs
Spirit of Galactic Unity 10 lbs
Thanksgetting 10 lbs
The Inquisitor's Unknown Effect 10 lbs
Unbarking Dogs 10 lbs
Whole Latte Love 10 lbs
A Girl Named Sue 5 lbs
Billiards Belligerence 5 lbs
Black Tongue 5 lbs (does not stack with other tongues)
Blue Swayed 1-5 lbs
Boxing Day Glow 5 lbs
ChibiChanged™ 5 lbs
Cute Vision 5 lbs
Empathy 5 lbs
familiar.enq 5 lbs
Greased-Up Familiar 5 lbs (Underwater only)
Green Tongue 5 lbs (does not stack with other tongues)
Heavy Petting 5 lbs
Human-Machine Hybrid 5 lbs
Kindly Resolve 5 lbs
Loyal Tea 5 lbs
Man's Worst Enemy 5 lbs
Optimist Primal 5 lbs
Over-Familiar With Dactyls 5 lbs
Shrimpin' Ain't Easy 5 lbs
Spookyravin' 5 lbs
Squirming Like a Toad 5 lbs
Sugar-Frosted Pet Guts 5 lbs
Sweet Incentive 5 lbs
Toothy Grin 5 lbs
Turkey-Friendly 5 lbs
Video... Games? 5 lbs
Warm Shoulders 5 lbs
Work For Hours a Week 5 lbs
You Can Really Taste the Dormouse 5 lbs
Phairly Pheromonal 4 lbs
Beastly Flavor 3 lbs
Bestial Sympathy 3 lbs
Happy Salamander 3 lbs
Heart of Green 3 lbs
Souper Vengeful 3 lbs (Turtle Tamers only)
Thanksgot 2 lbs
Amphibian Sympathy 5 lbs
Leash of Linguini 5 lbs
The Platypus 5 lbs (moon sign)
Chow Downed 5 lbs (Zombie Slayer only)
Blood Bond 5 lbs
elbow soup 1 lbs per use (111 lbs max)
flagellate soup 1 lbs per use (111 lbs max)
lip soup 1 lbs per use (111 lbs max)
muscular soup 1 lbs per use (111 lbs max)
synaptic soup 1 lbs per use (111 lbs max)


  El Vibrato Relics Dire Drifter Duds (TT only) Custom (TT only) Custom (all optional)
Hat El Vibrato helmet (with 10 El Vibrato punchcard (182 holes)) 0 Zombo's skullcap 10 lbs Zombo's skullcap 10 lbs crumpled felt fedora 10 lbs
Shirt Stephen's lab coat 5 lbs Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 5 lbs Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate 5 lbs Stephen's lab coat 5 lbs
Pants El Vibrato leg guards 0 Zombo's grievous greaves 0 Galapagosian Cuisses 10 lbs Great Wolf's beastly trousers 10 lbs
Weapon El Vibrato energy spear 0 Fouet de tortue-dressage (optional) 10 lbs Fouet de tortue-dressage 10 lbs gnawed-up dog bone 5 lbs
Off-hand Zombo's shield 0 Old school flying disc 5 lbs Old school flying disc 5 lbs
Outfit bonus El Vibrato Relics 100 lbs (El Vibrato Megadrone only) Dire Drifter Duds 5 lbs 0 0
Total 105 lbs 30 lbs 40 lbs 35 lbs


For most familiars, if your character is not a Turtle Tamer, the maximum familiar weight is:

  • 20 lbs base
  • 71 from character equipment (10 crumpled felt fedora, 5 Stephen's lab coat, 5 Buddy Bjorn, 10 rope, 10 ghostly reins, 10 Great Wolf's Beastly Trousers, 10 Belt of Loathing, 6 recovered cufflinks, 5 Folder Holder or bakelite badge)
  • 20 from a Snow Suit
  • 45 from skills/skill effects
  • 29 from adventures
  • 25 from food
  • 60 from booze
  • 33 from spleen
  • 186 from usable items
  • 8 from clan equipment
  • 5 from the island arena
  • 5 from The Platypus
  • 25 from campground effects
  • 22 from rollover activated effects
  • for a total of 554 lbs

Underwater familiars can gain an additional 30 lbs from underwater-only increasers.

Turtle Tamers also have access to equipment that gives them a wider range of options and can increase the maximum value by another 3 pounds (via Turtle soup, a quest item that is no longer obtainable).

Dressing Up

Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving


Mus · Mys · Mox · HP · MP · WDmg · SDmg · Init
DA · DR · Res · FightStats · XPBoost · ML · Items · Meat · HP Regen · MP Regen
Adv · PvP · Fam Wt · Crit · Diving

PrismDmg · RDmg · SCrit · Fumb · Stun · Passive Dmg
MP Cost · Spell Elts · Combat% · Hobo · Smith · Poison
Stat Limit

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