Malt liquor golem

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Malt liquor golem
Monster ID 1754
Locations The Overgrown Lot
Hit Points 2
Attack 2
Defense 1
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum construct
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts head, torso, bottle, bottle, bottle
premium malt liquor, premium malt liquor, brown paper bag mask, brown paper pants
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
malt liquor golem You're fighting a malt liquor golem

You approach a scattered pile of half-full malt liquor bottles in paper bags, but before you can raid it, the bottles leap into the air and assume a humanoid form.

It staggers toward you.

Hit Message(s):

It clonks you on the head with one of its heavy glass fists.Ugh!

It upends one of its elbows and fills your shoes with flat malt liquor. Blech.Argh!

Critical Hit Message:

It breaks its <knee>-equivalent over your <face>. (CRITICAL HIT!) Argh!

Miss Message(s):

It moves to attack you, but slips in a puddle of its own malt liquor.

It tries to pour some malt liquor on you, but accidentally chooses an empty bottle.

Fumble Message:

It lurches toward you to attack, but pauses to pour part of itself on the ground in honor of its dead homies. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Good40.gifYou acquire an item: premium malt liquor (100% chance)*
Good40.gifYou acquire an item: premium malt liquor (30% chance)*
Paperbaghat.gifYou acquire an item: brown paper bag mask (30% chance)*
Paperpants.gifYou acquire an item: brown paper pants (30% chance)*
You gain 1 <substat>.

Occurs at The Overgrown Lot.