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Today's Featured Article:

Feeling Lucky?

Are you new in the game? Because if you are, you're in LUCK!

Luck, unlike in other RPGs, is not part of your stats. There is a special status that can grant you great luck for your next adventure. There are several methods in which you can get some of this good fortune yourself. The most common way to get some of this good fortune for yourself is take a pilgrimage into the mountains and make a rather unusual trade. Those that return from Valhalla may bring consumables that impose such luck. Additionally, those of particular importance within their respective clans may have access to some other lucky services.

Adventuring with this special status can make it easy to get one item or another that you need for a quest, or help you find special items that you can't normally find. Lucky people tend to be stronger, smarter, and cooler than others. Some monsters only appear to those with great luck, or even some lucky companions.

Sometimes it's wise to save your luck for when you really need it. In the end, if you never get lucky at all, you might just find yourself out of luck, which could turn out to be a good thing.

Learn more here.

Today in KoL History:

2010: Once again, the Traveling Trader has arrived with exotic goods from far-away places.

2010: Things that stun monsters will now properly tell you when they wear off. Hooray, 2-year-old bug fix!

2009: So... yeah. The next underwater zone rolled out this past Friday, and apparently my announcement didn't get posted properly. Sorry about that.

2008: This was a trivial announcement yesterday, but it probably merits a real announcement: There's been a change to the way Meat pasting works. Items that are pastable are now designated as such, and the combine screen now only shows items that have existing paste recipes. No more huge lists.

2008: Strange things are afoot on the open seas. The mysterious plinth has begun behaving in an even more mysterious way.

2008: Beanbag chairs have gotten the meat locker / evil golden arches treatment, which was the most popular program at John Harvey Kellogg's sanatorium. They now go INSIDE your dwelling, and give bonus MP when you rest.

2008: The NPZR will no longer steal Meat after the 10th round of combat. Nerf nerf nerf.

2008: There's a new item that can be made with mummy wrappings. Ashallond will presumably be super-excited.

2006: Over the next few hours days, we're going to be converting a number of existing items into off-hand items. Check out this post in the forums for a list of affected items, and exactly what the change will entail.

2006: In your campground (and your top menu) you'll now notice a Quest Log. This currently underutilized new feature provides a way for you to keep track of what quests you're currently on, and there's a section of it where you can keep some notes. This is also where your accomplishments are displayed, now.

Also, there's some new stuff going on at the hippy camp. Take a clover!

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