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Go get your Sealed TakerSpace letters of Marque today!

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Today's Featured Article:

Uncle Crimbo

Merry Crimbo, everyone! Crimbo is a special time of year - well, time of three and a half years - which is observed by every single adventurer in the Kingdom. Traditional Crimbo rituals include receiving presents, eating candy, union busting, succumbing to amnesia and travelling through time, getting assimilated by aliens, mutating, busting kneecaps for the Mafia, working at a soul-crushing office job, supplying addicts with their fix (of sugar), building super ultra battle robot go <_<, ruining the environment, playing with robots, being one with your fellow man, cleaning your... hat, keeping very, very quiet, and getting robbed by dolphins. So you can see why everyone observes it, I mean... how could you miss it?

Punch a square from your Advent Calendar, drink some punch made with highly questionable ingredients, and punch your way through Crimbo Town, and I'll see you again in three and a half years... if the fates allow!

Today in KoL History:

2009: We've rolled out some backend inventory display caching code in the hopes of making the lag a little less horrible.

2009: Recalling ancient memories in Bad Moon will now give you your familiars back in addition to your skills.

2009: You can now set your character and menu panes to compact mode independently of one another.

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