Mafia aria

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mafia aria
mafia aria

This is an aria about the life. The life of a Penguin Mobster. It looks like it'd be relatively difficult to sing, due in large part to your lack of penguin vocal cords. In your throat, I mean -- not, like, in a sack.

Type: potion
Effect: Macho Profundo (5 Adventures)Muscle +60%
Moxie +60%

Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: mafia arias)
View metadata
Item number: 781
Description ID: 535591885
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

frozen Mob Penguin
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Grim Grimacite Site
Mob Penguin Supervisor
The Icy Peak
Mob Penguin Soprano
The Icy Peak in The Recent Past
Mob Penguin Soprano

When Used

With the support of your cummerbund, you belt out the Mafia Aria. It inspires you to acts of great violence.
Strboost.gifYou acquire an effect: Macho Profundo
(duration: 5 Adventures)
A freak gust of wind blows the Aria out of your hands and out of sight.
You start singing the Mafia Aria but as soon as you hit the high notes, they hit you back. In the stomach. From inside.
Hernia.gifYou acquire an effect: Hernia!
(duration: 5 Adventures)
A freak gust of wind blows the Aria out of your hands and out of sight.



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