Lynyrd musk

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lynyrd musk
lynyrd musk

This potent pheromone mixture is used by lynyrd skinners to blend into the environment when they're hunting lynyrds. You can always tell when lynyrds have been in an environment, because believe me, they are extremely generous with their musk-spraying.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 22 Meat.
Effect: Musky (30 Adventures)+15 Stench Damage
You Smell Like a Lynyrd

(In-game plural: cans of lynyrd musk)
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Item number: 7223
Description ID: 321556530
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
lynyrd skinner

When Used

You slather yourself up with lynyrd musk.
Stench.gifYou acquire an effect: Musky
(duration: 30 Adventures)


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