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At the back of the Defiled Cranny, you encounter a disgusting sight -- a huge ghuol, crouched over a pile of rotting corpses, slurping and grunting as it eats its fill. Disgusting sounds, needless to say, that augment the disgusting sight.

And for that matter, the longer you stand here, the worse it smells. Before any more of your senses get disgusted, you should probably take some action.

Try to take him by surprise
huge ghuol This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
Ghuol huge.gif
  • Item Drops: ghuol ears, ghuol egg
  • Meat Drop: 240-360
  • Monster Level: 73 • Substat Gain: 53 • Moxie for No Hit*: 83
  • Monster Defense: 63
  • Hit Points: 120
  • Initiative: 60
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench

Leave before he finishes

You slink off into the shadows to avoid catching the ghuol's attention. If discretion is the better part of valor, you are the greatest hero the world has ever known, right now.

  • Does not cost an adventure.

Occurs at The Defiled Cranny.



  • "Discretion is the better part of valor" is a common saying, paraphrased from a famous monologue by Falstaff in Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. In the speech, this cowardly fellow is praising himself for faking his own death, since it resulted in his not getting killed: "The better part of valor is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life."