Lucky rabbit's foot
From TheKolWiki
This is a charm made from the foot of a rabbit, which will supposedly bring you luck. At this point, you’re probably expecting me to comment that it wasn’t very lucky for the rabbit, but in fact this particular rabbit lived a long and happy life filled with good fortune, and his sudden death at the hands of gnomish keychain makers prevented him from having to experience the horrible pain of death by bowel cancer. Also, his wife and bunnies made a huge packet on the life insurance. (In-game plural: lucky rabbits' feet) |
Obtained From
- Quest
- White Citadel Quest
- The rabbit being unlucky is a popular joke/rebuttal about rabbit foot keychains.
- The "+7% Item Drops" and "+7% Meat from Monsters" is a reference to 7 supposedly being a lucky number.
See Also
"1485" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.