Lucky gold ring

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Drop rates for various currencies, verify if any other currencies drop

lucky gold ring
lucky gold ring

This unadorned gold ring has a magical secret, and that secret is that capitalism is bad and the rich just keep getting richer.

Type: accessory
Cannot be traded or discarded

Find various valuable currencies after combat

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: lucky gold rings)
View metadata
Item number: 10229
Description ID: 610669800
View in-game: view

Obtained From

PirateRealm Fun-a-Log (2,000 FunPoints)

After Combat

Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find some Meat!
Meat.gifYou gain 80-120 Meat.


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a sand dollar!
Sanddollar.gifYou acquire an item: sand dollar


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Freddy Kruegerand!
Dv krueggerand.gifYou acquire an item: Freddy Kruegerand


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a hobo nickel!
Nickel.gifYou acquire an item: hobo nickel


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Beach Buck!
Beachbuck.gifYou acquire an item: Beach Buck


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Coinspiracy!
Coinspiracy.gifYou acquire an item: Coinspiracy


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a FunFunds™!
Funfunds.gifYou acquire an item: FunFunds™


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Volcoino!
Volcoino.gifYou acquire an item: Volcoino


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Wal-Mart gift certificate!
Walcert.gifYou acquire an item: Wal-Mart gift certificate


Your lucky gold ring gets warmer for a moment. You look down and find a Rubee™!
Megagem.gifYou acquire an item: Rubee™


  • Sand dollars, Freddy Kruegerands, and hobo nickels will automatically drop if you have at least 1 in your inventory. Closeting them will remove them from the pool of possible drops. If one of these three items drops in your current combat, the lucky gold ring will be able to drop that item during that combat, because you will have at least 1 in your inventory when the ring checks your items.
    • Other special currencies will only drop if you currently have access to the zone that originally drops it, either through the IotM or through the appropriate day pass..
    • The drops do not care about standard restrictions (e.g. the ring can still drop Beach Bucks during a Standard run, if access to Spring Break Beach would be available outside of Standard).
  • You can only receive 1 Volcoino each day, and its chance is significantly lower than that of any other currency.


"10229" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.