Love song of naughty innuendo

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love song of naughty innuendo
love song of naughty innuendo

Trains going into tunnels, flowers blooming, someone puffing on a cigar . . . if any of those mental images gives you a knowing smirk, then I'm sure you'll "enjoy" this song. I know I did.

All night long. With your mom.

Type: potion
(can also be used in combat)
Effect: Lustful Heart (5 Adventures)+X Moxie
+2X% Combat Initiative

Cannot be discarded

Deals Sleaze Damage based on your Moxie

(In-game plural: love songs of naughty innuendo)
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Item number: 3759
Description ID: 148379468
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Summon Love Song

When Used

  • From inventory, when you do not already have another love song in your heart:
You read the snatch (huh huh) of song to yourself:


You feel your heart begin to wink and nudge.

Heartrock.gifYou acquire an effect: Lustful Heart
(duration: 5 Adventures)
Your heart can't take another love song so soon after the last one. The conflicting emotions would drive you totally mad.
  • In combat:
You read the Love Song of Naughty Innuendo. You imagine the slick butt-rock guitar that would accompany these lyrics:


Your opponent suffers X points of embarrassment as a result of the singular nature of those double-entendres.

You gain Y Cheek.


I want to row on your pond in my canoe,
Ride my pony 'til he throws a shoe,
I'm the hunter gonna harvest your pelt,
Lick that cone before it melts,
You've got the clam and I've got the bake,
Baby, won't you let me see your milkshake.


My french bread loaf would like to meet your buns,
So put your bazooka up against my guns,
I'd like a cherry pie and make it a la mode,
Be my donkey, baby, pull my load,
Gonna put that icing on your cake,
Come on, let me see that milkshake.


You got the creek and I've got the paddle,
I've got the brand, so you be the cattle,
You bring the bagel, I'll bring the schmear,
You've got the head and I've got the beer,
Your little vampire needs my stake
I'm gonna dip my straw in your milkshake.


Gonna put the cream in your eclair,
I've got a banana if you've got a pear,
I'll be the foot and you be the boot,
I've got the nuts if you've got the fruit,
If you've got the ladder, I've got the snake,
Oh, you know I love to see your milkshake.


  • X is Sleaze damage equal to your buffed Moxie.
  • Y is equal to ceiling(sqrt(D)), capped at 23, where D is the minimum between the damage this item did, and your enemy's HP before you used this item.


  • "Snatch" is slang for the female genitalia.
  • The "wink" and "nudge" may refer to the "Nudge Nudge" sketch by Monty Python wherein one character speaks almost entirely in phrases that could be innuendo, following one statement with "Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more, say no more."


"3759" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Summoned Love Songs
Love Song Combat Use Effect
vague ambiguity Muscle-based Physical Damage
Gain HP
Broken Heart X HP Regen
+X Muscle
smoldering passion Myst-based Hot Damage
Gain MP
Fiery Heart X/2 MP Regen
+X Myst
icy revenge Moxie-based Cold Damage
Gain Familiar experience
Cold Hearted +X/2 Familiar Weight
+X Moxie
sugary cuteness Muscle-based Stench Damage
Gain Strengthliness
Sweet Heart +2X% Meat
+X Muscle
disturbing obsession Myst-based Spooky Damage
Gain Mysteriousness
Withered Heart +X% Items
+X Myst
naughty innuendo Moxie-based Sleaze Damage
Gain Sarcasm
Lustful Heart +2X% Combat Initiative
+X Moxie
X is the number of turns of the effect remaining, capped at 20.