Louvre Map

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Piet MondrianThe ScreamThe Birth of VenusThe Creation of AdamThe Death of SocratesNighthawksSunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande JatteThe Last SupperThe Persistence of MemoryDogs Playing PokerThe Luncheon on the GrassOath of the HoratiiThe Hay WainBedroom in ArlesWitches' SabbathThe Starry NightLuncheon of the Boating PartyThe Dance ClassRelativityLouvre map color.gif
Swords.gif Club.gif Restor.gif Carddeck.gif Cookbook.gif Wine.gif Dancingshoes.gif Discoball.gif Manetwich.gif
Swordholder buff (30 turns) Muscle stats (max 300) bottle of Vangoghbitussin Is This Your Card? buff (30 turns) Mysticality stats (max 200) bottle of Pinot Renoir Lady Spookyraven's dancing shoes or Dancin' Fool (Haunted Gallery) buff (30 turns) Moxie stats (max 200) Manetwich

When first entering Louvre It or Leave It, you should find yourself on a page headed by one of the following images:

Gpstairs1.gif Gpstairs2.gif Gpstairs3.gif Gpstairs.gif

Refreshing the page may change the image and the text, but this is of no consequence. Choosing any option from here takes you to a random painting out of The Scream, The Birth of Venus, The Last Supper, Nighthawks, The Persistance of Memory and The Death of Socrates.

At any time, you are faced with three choices. The coloured arrows indicate the first, second and third choice given, from up to down.


  • On May, 14, 2014, the mechanics behind Louvre It or Leave It was changed; an overview of the old mechanics can be found here.