Lotion of spookiness

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lotion of spookiness
lotion of spookiness

This is a little flask of gray, moaning hand lotion.

Type: potion
Effect: Spooky Hands (10 Adventures)+10 Spooky Damage
+20 Damage to Spooky Spells
So-So Cold Resistance (+2)
So-So Sleaze Resistance (+2)

Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: lotions of spookiness)
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Item number: 1639
Description ID: 304127983
View in-game: view
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Lovepotion.gif spooky powder scrumptious reagent
Equals.gif lotion of spookiness

When Used

Flask spooky.gif
You rub the spooky lotion on your shaking hands. Well, they don't start shaking until after the lotion is on them...
Flask spooky.gifYou acquire an effect: Spooky Hands
(duration: 10-20 Adventures)


  • While the effect granted by most reagent potions has a base duration of 5 turns, this potion yields an effect with a base duration of 10 turns.


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