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You know how lollipops dye your tongue different colors? This one lets you do that to other people's tongues.

Type: usable (self or others)
Selling Price: 5 Meat.

(In-game plural: Lolsipops)
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Item number: 9735
Description ID: 711746556
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

VIP Lounge
Madame Zatara’s Relationship Fortune Teller (other player, compatible dining consultation)

When Used

You lick the lolsipop with <player name> tongue.


  • The chosen player sees, in the chat pane:
<playername> has licked a lolsipop with your tongue.
  • Chat messages of the chosen player are colored.
  • Colors look different for all users in the chat
  • Chat messages return to normal after 10 messages
  • The target player sees, in the chat pane:
<playername> has licked a lolsipop with your tongue.


Slash.gif eaves droppers | heart cozy | lolsipop | personal graffiti kit


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