Little Brother

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GrandmaLittle BrotherBig BrotherGrandpaMomCastleallfam.gif

Little Brother can be found in The Sea Monkees' Castle. He will only appear here after you have freed him from a wriggling flytrap pellet.

Sm littlebrotherwindow.gif
  • Initial visit:
    "Golly, <Mister/Lady>, I'm glad you're here! When I got back home, everybody was gone! And I'm just a kid! I don't know how to take care of myself!

    Gee whiz, this isn't swell at all. I wish my big brother was here. Oh, sure, he gives me the business sometimes, but he's older, and he knows all sorts of stuff.

    The last time I remember seeing him is when we were over by that old shipwreck. He says you can find all sorts of swell stuff over there, but I'm scared of the place. <Mister/Lady>, could you go over there and see if you can find him? I can tell you right where it is."
New Area Unlocked
Shipwrecka.gifThe Wreck of the Edgar Fitzsimmons, on The Sea Floor.
  • Subsequent visits, before Big Brother is found:
    Gee, <Mister/Lady>, have you found my brother yet? I'm sure he's somewhere near that old shipwreck."
  • After finding Big Brother:
    "Golly, <Mister/Lady>, thanks for finding my brother! You should go see him, he's always got all sorts of swell stuff for sale."
  • Subsequent visits, when your class is Pastamancer or Sauceror:
    "Golly, <Mister/Lady>, you sure are good at finding people! Wanna help me find Grandpa? He's getting pretty old, and sometimes he wanders off by himself and can't find his way home. It's crummy and sad, but boy, we sure like him, and it'd be real swell to have him back. Maybe you could check over by the Marinara Trench? He's been talking about that place a lot. Here you go, <Mister/Lady>, I'll mark it on your map for you!"
New Area Unlocked
Trencha.gifThe Marinara Trench, on The Sea Floor.
  • Subsequent visits, when your class is Seal Clubber or Turtle Tamer:
    "Golly, <Mister/Lady>, you sure are good at finding people! Wanna help me find Grandpa? He's getting pretty old, and sometimes he wanders off by himself and can't find his way home. It's crummy and sad, but boy, we sure like him, and it'd be real swell to have him back. Maybe you could check over by Anemone Mine? He's been talking about that place a lot. Here you go, <Mister/Lady>, I'll mark it on your map for you!"
New Area Unlocked
Minea.gifAnemone Mine, on The Sea Floor.
  • Subsequent visits, when your class is Accordion Thief or Disco Bandit:
    "Golly, <Mister/Lady>, you sure are good at finding people! Wanna help me find Grandpa? He's getting pretty old, and sometimes he wanders off by himself and can't find his way home. It's crummy and sad, but boy, we sure like him, and it'd be real swell to have him back. He said something about "falling off the submarine," and headed over to the Dive Bar. It'd be real swell if you could go get him and bring him back before he has too many grown-up drinks. I'll mark it on your map for you!"
New Area Unlocked
Divebara.gifThe Dive Bar, on The Sea Floor.
  • Subsequent visits, before finding Grandpa:
    "Hey, <Mister/Lady>, have you found Grandpa yet? You were gonna go <look for/get> him at <the Marinara Trench/Anemone Mine/the Dive Bar>, remember?"
  • After finding Grandpa:
    "Gee whiz, I'm glad Grandpa's back! I sure do like the neat stories he tells -- they're really somethin' else."
  • After finding Grandma:
    "We sure are glad Grandma's back, my brother and me are. Well, me more than him, I guess -- he's been actin' awful weird lately, like somethin's buggin' him. Maybe you can figure out what it is, <Mister/Lady>?"
  • Subsequent visits, before talking to Big Brother:
    "<Mister/Lady>, would you mind checking in on my big brother? He's been acting awful weird lately."
  • After talking to Big Brother:
    "Hey, <Mister/Lady>. Did you figure out what's going on with my big brother?"
  • After buying the black glass:
    "Gee, <Mister/Lady>, that black thing is... It's pretty swell, I guess. Just... Just maybe put it in your pocket or something so I can't see it, would ya, <Mister/Lady>?"
  • After finding Mom:
    "Gee, <Mister/Lady>, thanks! That's... that's the whole family back together again. Nobody else is missing. Nope, no siree."