libation of liveliness
This is a potion made from sparkling grape juice. Not 'sparkling' in the 'fizzy' sense, but in the 'animated and witty' sense. I know that doesn't actually make any sense at all, but trust me on this: this stuff'll put a spring in your step like Inspector Gadget only dreamed of.
Type: potion Selling Price: 36 Meat. Effect: Provocative Perkiness (5 Adventures)+20% Combat Initiative (In-game plural: libations of liveliness) | |
When Used
Tiny bubbles tickle your nose as you drink the contents of the flask. You immediately feel perkier.
- The cartoon character "Inspector Gadget" was known for having many gadgets built into his clothing and belongings. One popular instance was a pair of springs built into the soles of his shoes. These gave him the ability to jump rather high, and otherwise wander around town with a spring in his step. Of course, in the nature of Inspector Gadget, him and his additions were quite chaotic in behavior, especially the springs, which implies how much of a spring in your step this item must provide.
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