Lemonade marble

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lemonade marble
lemonade marble

This is a medium-sized marble, yellow with swirls of white. You know what they say: "When life gives you lemon marbles..."

Type: off-hand item
Mysticality Required: 85
Selling Price: 8 Meat.

+45 Damage to Cold Spells

(In-game plural: lemonade marbles)
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Item number: 4098
Description ID: 830785961
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

tiny slimy cyst (0-1)
small slimy cyst (0-5)
red China marble (with at least 2 in inventory)

When Used

  • With at least 2 in inventory:
You squat, draw a circle in the dirt with your finger, and start playing with your marbles. At one point, you flick a lemonade marble into another lemonade marble so hard that they fuse together and form a different, slightly larger marble. What fun!
Marble5.gifYou acquire an item: bumblebee marble
  • Multi-using 2:

It's so much fun that you do it again immediately afterwards!

  • Multi-using X:

It's so much fun that you do it X-1 more times!

Marble5.gifYou acquire X bumblebee marbles
  • Else:
You squat, draw a circle in the dirt with your finger, and play with the lemonade marble for a while. It's pretty relaxing!

See Also


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