Lemon-in-the-box | |
Monster ID | 109 |
Locations | The "Fun" House |
Hit Points | 12 |
Attack | 17 |
Defense | 15 |
No-Hit | 27 |
Initiative | 75 |
Meat | None |
Phylum | construct |
Elements | None |
Resistance | None |
Monster Parts | box, lemon, spring |
Manuel Entry | |
refreshedit data |
This is one of the weirdest things you've ever seen. I mean, it just doesn't make any sense. A lemon-in-the-box?
Hit Message(s):
It throws itself at you and bashes your <knee>. Argh! Ow! Ouch!
It squirts acidic juice directly into your <elbow>. Argh! Ooh! Eek!
It leads a lemon parade of lemons in boxes, all of which stomp over you as they pass. It hurts, but at least it was a parade and not a party. Argh! Ooh! Oof!
It tries to squirt juice at you, but you slam the lid back down on it.
It throws itself at you, but you make lemonade like mama always said to do.
It starts to attack again, but gets stuck in its box and must wait through a humiliating rendition of "Pop Goes the Lemon" before it can open again. (FUMBLE!)
You acquire an item: lemon (50% chance)* |
You acquire an item: box (20% chance)* |
You gain 3-4 <substat>. |
Occurs at The "Fun" House.
- The critical hit message refers to Lemon Parade, an album by the band Tonic, and LemonParty.org, a rather infamous shock site. Google the latter at your own risk.